8 year old cat has asthma that's getting worse.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 6, 2023
Hi all ,
My cat Ned has been diagnosed with asthma about 1 year ago. We have tried getting him used to just the mask but he struggles to accept it and shys away unless we are holding a treat inside it. Hates the noise of the pump too.

We have 2 other cats who have no problem with the mask and seem to gladly accept it. We have tried it in front of him too

He's on steroids to keep his attacks at bay but he's always breathing so heavily and he can only have them for so long.
The vet doesn't seem to have any helpful advice on what to do.
it hurts because we just want him to be healthy and feel better but he just hates it.

We don't know what to do or how to help him
any advice would be extremely helpful and appreciated

wishing everyone the best xx

silent meowlook

TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
Hi. Have to get to work so I’ll be brief. Pump the inhaler with your hand over the opening of the mask. Go to wear he is and put a body part behind him and quickly take your hand off and put the mask on his face. Watch the flap for 15 breaths. Then let him go. That is what I do for my cat during an asthma attack. That is with the Albuterol.

Ask your vet for a rescue injection of Terbutaline. Giv the injection in case of a bad attack. Also comes in pills if needed for maintenance.

Get an oxygen concentrator in case he gets a bad attack and give flow by oxygen. Just hold the tube near him. Don’t use a mask because it will stress him to much.

If he is overweight switch to canned diet so he will lose weight. Don’t let him go more than 22 hours without eating because he can get fatty liver disease from not eating.

Dust free unscented litter only.

No household products that can irritate him. No perfumes or anything scented. Hepa filter air purifiers.

Seek a referral to a specialist if you need to.

I hope some of this helps.