7 month old trying to nurse

ms waise

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
I took Uriah to the vet to get her shots today and had a talk with the Dr. about her trying to nurse on the resident kitten and I. The vet seems to think that she was weaned too late. She suggested that every time Uri tries to nurse on me or Kimbo that I should not let her. Not only that, but I shouldn't give her anything to pacify her and let the habit continue and instead break it all together. This could be interesting because I've never really "let" her just sit there and suck on me. She's like a ninja. She waits until I'm sleeping and I wake up with a cat sucking on my armpit. Lol this should be interesting to say the least. But hopefully I can get her weaned. What's weird is I have one kitten who was weaned too soon and now I have another who has been weaned too late.... Hmmmm I wonder how I'm going to make her stop without completely alienating her......


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I haven't heard of this behavior being from weaning too late. . .Sonja let Scotty nurse until he was almost a year old and he doesn't show suckling behavior. I also have 4 half-feral cats who are still with their mother, I'm pretty sure I've seen the male suckling a couple times, and they seem pretty well-adjusted besides being feral :tongue2:. I've really only heard of it happening in orphans and kitties taken from their mother too soon.

I don't know how to make them stop though. Maybe rubbing Sour Apple on your skin would work. I wouldn't do anything actively to make her stop or that could alienate her. But if your skin just tastes bad. . .well, that shouldn't be too traumatizing.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 20, 2008
Our 6 month old ragdoll suckles on the bathroom rug and kneads while he's doing it!  He was purchased from a reputable breeder at 12 weeks old.  I think it's cute and don't try to stop him when he does it, but it's not on my armpit either!  lol, good luck with that!  


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 11, 2014
Greendale, Wi
Too early is true but I have never heard of too late.  Try redirecting his behavior with play.  This may help but with my fosters I think they continue to some degree for life.  I would get him a fake momma to suck on. They have them on Amazon.
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ms waise

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
I haven't heard of this behavior being from weaning too late. . .Sonja let Scotty nurse until he was almost a year old and he doesn't show suckling behavior. I also have 4 half-feral cats who are still with their mother, I'm pretty sure I've seen the male suckling a couple times, and they seem pretty well-adjusted besides being feral :tongue2:. I've really only heard of it happening in orphans and kitties taken from their mother too soon.

I don't know how to make them stop though. Maybe rubbing Sour Apple on your skin would work. I wouldn't do anything actively to make her stop or that could alienate her. But if your skin just tastes bad. . .well, that shouldn't be too traumatizing.
I may have to try sour apple because she has teeth and claws. Frankly I don't think id have a problem with her doing it if it wasn't so painful. I honestly feel like I've been alienating her the past few days because everytime I go to pet her she tries to suckle. Her and Kimbo only fight because she tries to suckle on her. It makes you wonder where she came from and why she's so adamant about doing it. I've had her a full month now and she won't stop. :( .
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  • #6

ms waise

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Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
Our 6 month old ragdoll suckles on the bathroom rug and kneads while he's doing it!  He was purchased from a reputable breeder at 12 weeks old.  I think it's cute and don't try to stop him when he does it, but it's not on my armpit either!  lol, good luck with that!  
I thought about getting her a stuffed animal or seething to pacify her. The vet said she wouldn't do that. The problem is she has teeth and claws and tries to suckle everytime I pet her.
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  • #7

ms waise

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
Too early is true but I have never heard of too late.  Try redirecting his behavior with play.  This may help but with my fosters I think they continue to some degree for life.  I would get him a fake momma to suck on. They have them on Amazon.
I'll give it about another week. If it doesn't stop I will definitely be investing in a nursing stuffed animal for her. I'd love to cuddle with her, but every time I try the claws come out, the ears go back and those teeth start nibbling! .... Just one more week and if she shows no progress I will bend because it apart seems like you can't touch her without her trying to suckle.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I don't understand where the vet is coming from with saying not to give Uriah anything to passify her.  I've only heard of this behaviour with cats who have been seperated from their moms or weaned early and never from it being late.  

My own experience of late weaning is with Mouse.  He was weaned at 15 weeks when I went to pick him up from the breeders, much as his mum had been gradually pushing him off for a few weeks before hand she was a very patient mom and he would still get the odd drink from the milk bar.  He's got massive self confidence and while he does knead when I lay down with a fleece blanket over me he never tries to suckle on anything and doesn't drool like some cats do.  Oh, he does like to drink water from the tap or from a dripping plastic syringe (learned the latter from getting yummy medication he instantly got addicted to and kept wanting more so I'd give him water instead).

I know plenty people who have offered their cats a little lovie friend or security blanket and it has really helped them settle.  I guess it's like the argument between leave your kids to cry to sleep or feed on demand and let them sleep in your bed.  


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 11, 2014
Greendale, Wi
I'll give it about another week. If it doesn't stop I will definitely be investing in a nursing stuffed animal for her. I'd love to cuddle with her, but every time I try the claws come out, the ears go back and those teeth start nibbling! .... Just one more week and if she shows no progress I will bend because it apart seems like you can't touch her without her trying to suckle.
Just wanted to add:  The one I got on Amazon indicated that the kitten could nurse on it.  Not so!  You have to place a bottle into the body cavity of the stuffed animal.  I have never tried this and not sure if it would owrk
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ms waise

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
I don't understand where the vet is coming from with saying not to give Uriah anything to passify her.  I've only heard of this behaviour with cats who have been seperated from their moms or weaned early and never from it being late.  

My own experience of late weaning is with Mouse.  He was weaned at 15 weeks when I went to pick him up from the breeders, much as his mum had been gradually pushing him off for a few weeks before hand she was a very patient mom and he would still get the odd drink from the milk bar.  He's got massive self confidence and while he does knead when I lay down with a fleece blanket over me he never tries to suckle on anything and doesn't drool like some cats do.  Oh, he does like to drink water from the tap or from a dripping plastic syringe (learned the latter from getting yummy medication he instantly got addicted to and kept wanting more so I'd give him water instead).

I know plenty people who have offered their cats a little lovie friend or security blanket and it has really helped them settle.  I guess it's like the argument between leave your kids to cry to sleep or feed on demand and let them sleep in your bed.  :dk:   
I had a cat when I was a teenager and she had a litter. We kept one of her babies and that baby nursed for as long as we I lived at home... As a matter of fact, I distinctly remember that kitten having a litter of her own and still nursing on my cat as a grown kitty with a litter of her own! It was so weird!!!!!! I've decided that I will find a way to pacify her. If that's what she needs so be it. If it's what comforts her and keeps her from sucking on me and Kimbo then that's what it will have to be because she's made it clear that she needs to do it. I don't have to understand to give her understanding. If that even makes sense.

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
This isn't from weaning too late.  The mother doesn't do that.  And even if they're bottlefed, it is still not the issue.  This is a common thing, though.  It's less about nursing and more about comforting themselves.  It is also seen as a bonding thing, like grooming.  It's perfectly normal and as long as it isn't causing any fights, I wouldn't intervene.  On you, just gently push her off and maybe talk nice to her and pet and love on her.  It's about bonding and affection, so give her what she needs in a less odd and creepy way for you.
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ms waise

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
This isn't from weaning too late.  The mother doesn't do that.  And even if they're bottlefed, it is still not the issue.  This is a common thing, though.  It's less about nursing and more about comforting themselves.  It is also seen as a bonding thing, like grooming.  It's perfectly normal and as long as it isn't causing any fights, I wouldn't intervene.  On you, just gently push her off and maybe talk nice to her and pet and love on her.  It's about bonding and affection, so give her what she needs in a less odd and creepy way for you.
Hmmmm I never thought of it from that perspective...... And perhaps you are right. I've been doing the gentle push away. And soothing voice and whatnot. She's very affectionate. She loves to be loved on. But everytime I try and give her the affection she starts trying to suck on me. Kimbo has broken her from trying it with her. She doesn't do it to my nephew, mother or sister which are people she sees frequently. It's just me at this point...... Side note, a thought just flashed through my mind of those cats and dogs that smell cancer and alert the people. Lol wow I really have an active imagination..... Or cancer. Rotflmao. But seriously. You have a point that she could just be trying to bond. The reason I think you are correct is because she doesn't show any other signs of being an uncared for creature. She loves my 2 year old nephew. Lol she follows him around like a little puppy. Our other pets steer clear. She doesn't hide. She isn't timid. She just likes to suck on me. And it's painful. :)


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
..I don't have to understand to give her understanding. If that even makes sense.
This makes total sense to me, and sounds like Uriah has the perfect match with you.  She is a lucky little kitty.  Interesting that she is now settled with everyone else and suckles with you and may well have to do with her cat senses like you say - no not the cancer but perhaps your overall health and you being her adopted mom.  If she wants to continue with her suckling with you and it hurts can you try to gently introduce a little piece of fleece or velvety fabric between the two of you when she starts?

Are Kimbo and Uriah getting on reasonably well at this point?  I hope that they are playing and bonding and seem happy together, sep now Kimbo isn't being bothered with the suckling. 
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  • #14

ms waise

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
This makes total sense to me, and sounds like Uriah has the perfect match with you.  She is a lucky little kitty.  Interesting that she is now settled with everyone else and suckles with you and may well have to do with her cat senses like you say - no not the cancer but perhaps your overall health and you being her adopted mom.  If she wants to continue with her suckling with you and it hurts can you try to gently introduce a little piece of fleece or velvety fabric between the two of you when she starts?
Are Kimbo and Uriah getting on reasonably well at this point?  I hope that they are playing and bonding and seem happy together, sep now Kimbo isn't being bothered with the suckling. 
They are getting along very well..... Almost too well I'm fact. The weirdest thing just happened. But maybe it's not. I'm going to start a thread. But I just went into the spare room where the cat box is and both of the girls walked back there went into the cat box and peed TOGETHER! I thought one was going to fight the other which is why I stayed and watched and was terrified and pleased by the sight. I've never seen 2 cats use the box at the same time like that. I'm going to go post a thread now.....


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Ooh, I'd say it's time to celebrate, and feel happy your girls have bonded so well.  
    When my first cats were kittens / young cats they were inseperable and would do what you describe occasionally should the need arrise.  They did have a fairly big box but not nearly as big as the main one you have I think.  The rest of the time they too were either curled up in a ball to​gether or stalking and dive bombing each other.   I loved it when they got on like that.  In later years it was rather more tense.  They were litter sisters so you are incredibly lucky. 
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ms waise

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
Ooh, I'd say it's time to celebrate, and feel happy your girls have bonded so well.  :high5:     When my first cats were kittens / young cats they were inseperable and would do what you describe occasionally should the need arrise.  They did have a fairly big box but not nearly as big as the main one you have I think.  The rest of the time they too were either curled up in a ball to​gether or stalking and dive bombing each other.   I loved it when they got on like that.  In later years it was rather more tense.  They were litter sisters so you are incredibly lucky. 
Awwww. I am sooo thankful they are finally getting along. They both got in bed with me last night. It was nice. Kimbo only sleeps with me every couple weeks or so. She hasn't slept in her tree since Uri has been here. Uri immediately took ownership of the tree when she first got here. Kimbo has been sleeping under the ottoman in the living room and at first I thought she felt a way about Uri being in the tree. So I kept an eye on her. Also I got her a massive new cat tree with 2 boxes built into it. It turns out it's not about the tree at all. Lol she like to hunt the spiders that come in under the front door. Lol she catches at least one a night! I really need to fix the rubber under the door. But that's what it is. I'm actually quite surprised about the tree. But glad she's learned to share. I'm proud of the little brat. How is Mouse?


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
  Mouse is suffering badly from too much adoring attention as I now have a young couple renting  my spare room.  It's a mutual love affair between Mouse and the lodgers and he's on good form leaping about with his tail straight up in the air when he's not snoozing.  He has the man conditioned to turn the kitchen tap to a drip and to play hide and seek around the apartment, and the woman climbs in and out of his boxes with him! LoL  Mouse will use either of them as a human ladder if I'm not in the right place at the right time and he's happy to be held like a baby by any one of us for his belly rubs so I am taking these as a signs he likes these people being around. 
  He still knows I'm his human mom though and has developed in to quite a lap cat (he's up on my left arm purring and head butting as I try to type).   You never know, Kimbo might be transformed one day too. 
    Mouse didn't sit still for more than a minute when he was awake until he was about 2 1/2.    He sleeps with me and I'd really miss him if he didn't so great to hear Kimbo's joining Uriah on your bed.  Nice.  As long as they leave room for you to get comfy. 
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  • #18

ms waise

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
:lol3:   Mouse is suffering badly from too much adoring attention as I now have a young couple renting  my spare room.  It's a mutual love affair between Mouse and the lodgers and he's on good form leaping about with his tail straight up in the air when he's not snoozing.  He has the man conditioned to turn the kitchen tap to a drip and to play hide and seek around the apartment, and the woman climbs in and out of his boxes with him! LoL  Mouse will use either of them as a human ladder if I'm not in the right place at the right time and he's happy to be held like a baby by any one of us for his belly rubs so I am taking these as a signs he likes these people being around. :D   He still knows I'm his human mom though and has developed in to quite a lap cat (he's up on my left arm purring and head butting as I try to type).   You never know, Kimbo might be transformed one day too. :lol2:     Mouse didn't sit still for more than a minute when he was awake until he was about 2 1/2.    He sleeps with me and I'd really miss him if he didn't so great to hear Kimbo's joining Uriah on your bed.  Nice.  As long as they leave room for you to get comfy. :sleep:  :catguy:
Yay! I love that Mr. Mouse is being adored the way he should. I'm also happy he enjoys the new people! That's always a plus! I kinda feel like if my cat(s) don't like you there's probably I good chance I shouldn't either. Call me partial. Lol I don't know about Kimbo. She's very independent but she will stop by about every 2 weeks or so and cuddle with me. Uriah is a love bug. Which is weird because she looks like a villain. It's always good to hear you and Sir Mouse are getting along fine!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 30, 2014
What about a pacifier? Don't laugh! A newborn one? May get her away from you?
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ms waise

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 28, 2014
What about a pacifier? Don't laugh! A newborn one? May get her away from you?
Rotf! Well if there's any proof she would use it I am all for it. Still trying to decide it I want to try a stuffed animal or if I want to get her fleece. Kimbo has taught me that just because I think she will like something chances are she probably won't. Lol but I'm getting good use out of all the toys and such that Kimbo wasn't interested in. Uri seems to be destroying toys left and right. Which is good! Glad I didn't get rid of things right away.