6 Month old Kitten with bad diarrhea and tested positive for feline coronavirus


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 5, 2024
We adopted a kitten at 12 weeks old from a rescue and he had pretty loose poo when we got him so went to the vets, prescribed worming and probiotics which didn't seem to work except for one single almost ok poo. The diarrhea got worse so provided a poo sample for 'all the common things' which came back clear and got prescribed antibiotics, yet more probiotics and also prebiotics.

None of this worked, in fact he got worse, occasional fresh blood in there and its everywhere, he just can't control it although he does try. Went back to the vets and got prescribed some enormous clay tablets that need to be crushed into his food (also been told to use gastrointestinal food) and there is a slight improvement but we are still talking puddles of poo. We also provided a second poo sample and been told today that my now six-month-old kitten has tested positive for feline coronavirus. He is not dehydrated, is alert and has a very healthy appetite.

I've now been doing some intensive googling which of course is freaking me out as everything keeps talking about FIP and now there is nothing that can be done. The vet has suggested to concentrate on trying to sort the diarrhea and recommended some over-the-counter human probiotics and some dog poo binder (EasyPill Digest Comfort) along with switching his diet to Pro Plan HA food.

Is there anything else that I can do? The vet mentioned that he may have an immune system problem which is being masked by the coronavirus and wants to do some blood tests.

If you've made it through my whole post thank you! The little guy is such a huge character, pretty sure he thinks he is a dog as he hangs out with my dogs all the time, I just want to sort out his diarrhea and hopefully get him over the coronavirus.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Given how long the diarrhea has been going on, it probably isn't from coronavirus. Usually the diarrhea won't last that long after exposure to the virus, and the odds are your kitten was exposed and contracted it at the rescue. Even though there is only about 5% of cats who have the virus that ever have it mutate to FIP, it is often more likely in cats under the age of 2 years, and/or if they do have other immune deficiencies. But, even then, solely having diarrhea isn't the basis for determining that. So, I'd stop worrying about FIP, but probably would still go through testing to see if other immune-mediated conditions exist that could be part of the issue with the diarrhea.

His diarrhea might be from the foods he has eaten, and if he has an intolerance to something in those foods, I am not sure the things you have tried would necessarily stop the diarrhea. Maybe he needs more fiber.in his food? Plain pumpkin can work with either diarrhea or constipation, but many folks have used it and have had success in either case. Psyllium husk is another option. But, depending on what foods you have given him, he may need a novel protein or a limited ingredient food.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 5, 2024
Thanks for reading and replying, I haven't tried straight pumpkin yet.

The poo sample was only taken last weekend and tested this week though, so wouldn't that imply coronavirus? The thing I'm holding onto re PIF is that as you say, the diarrhea has been going on for months however I then read that FIP can mutate at any time from the coronavirus :-(

Re food, we tried switching away from chicken and have tried all the gastrointestinal food on the market. Even on plain baked chicken the diarrhea did not improve.

We also have another cat and two dogs in the house and am worried they could be at risk too :-(


TCS Member
Staff Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
The poo sample was only taken last weekend and tested this week though, so wouldn't that imply coronavirus?
I'm sorry, I don't understand your question.

Yes, coronavirus could mutate at any time, IF it is going to mutate. But, the diarrhea is a common sign - that dissipates over time - when a cat first contracts the coronavirus. It really has nothing to do with demonstrating that the virus has mutated to FIP. And, by now, there would likely be more symptoms if this was a mutation. As far as your other cat, if the kitten is shedding the virus, even if your other cat has been vaccinated, there could be a slim chance they would contract coronavirus too - if they don't already have it. But, you have to keep in mind that contracting coronavirus does NOT mean FIP. As I said, it is about 5% of cats with coronavirus that ever have it mutate to FIP. I don't know for sure, but don't think feline coronavirus can be transmitted to dogs - good question for your vet.

I can't say because I don't know, but perhaps chicken is the source of intolerance. If that were the case, plain baked chicken would not resolve the problem.

Mac and Cats

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 31, 2022
I don't know anything about the coronavirus stuff. In addition to what you're already doing, you could try adding in Proviable DC, which is a probiotic. It has helped my cats in the past. We had to put our youngest (now about a year and a half) on Hills Biome because he had some potty issues for what seemed like forever. I'm about to put him on the probiotic to see if it helps further.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 17, 2023
Unfortunately this is very common for rescued cats. I have many clients who are vets and get a lot of insight through them. You may need a better probiotic… my vet prescribed my kitty Proviable - paste 3 times a day and capsule once. After several days her diarrhea subsided. Also feline corona virus is again very common in rescues, from what I’ve learned it shouldn’t be harmful. Feline corona has been around WAY longer than human. Healthy plain white rice can help as well to bind poop! Best of luck!