6 Mo Kitten With Diarrhea


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Oct 9, 2017

I've 2 female cats, Ariel who's 1.5 yo, and Kiara who's 6 months old, she's the daughter of my mom's cats (a bengal and a savannah) and when I got her I noticed 2 things: she ate like crazy (and still does, she eats her food and steals some of Ariel's food too) and her poop smelled really bad, so bad it makes you gag, but her stools were normal, super stinky but normal, I asked my mom about it and she told me the breeder told her that savannah cats poops' were really smelly so I assumed it was a breed thing.

At the end of November I was away on vacations and my roomie took her to her bfs vet (not my vet) cause she had diarrhea and he told her Kiara had diarrhea cause she ate our dog's food (she ate little pieces every once in a while, but not all the time, and never huge quantities), and that she also had parasites but that he couldn't give her something until the diarrhea went away, so he prescribed her something (my roomie lost the recipe so I've no idea what he gave her) and told her that if the diarrhea came back we needed to repeat the treatment, which she did while I was still away.

Honestly I didn't trust the vet's diagnosis, in my opinion and experience, she has diarrhea cause she has parasites, but the diarrhea won't go away until we get rid of them, it's not caused because of my dog's food, it's not possible she got the parasites from my dog or cat cause they had just taken a treatment a month before my mom gave me Kiara, and neither of my mom's cats have diarrhea, and my other cat's fine, her stools are firm and not stinky as hers, she hasn't been near my dog's food and the diarrhea is back. She's growing just fine, she plays a lot, drinks water, she's very active, but her poop's smelly and not firm at all, last night I covered one that looked like mustardy water, what can I do?


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I'd see another vet about the diarrhea. Now, cats can pick up parasites from all sorts of places, including stuff we track in, on rare occasions, but the parasites CAUSE the diarrhea, and you treat them to get RID of it, you are absolutely right! If everyone went by what that vet said, we'd never have parasite-free cats at all! She may have a sensitivity to something in her food, just off of the top of my head. That could cause the stinky and the runny poo. But that's a pure guess, and I'd rule out parasites, just to be sure. AND, they can hide in the lining of the intestines and not be competely killed by worming.
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TCS Member
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Oct 9, 2017
I'd see another vet about the diarrhea. Now, cats can pick up parasites from all sorts of places, including stuff we track in, on rare occasions, but the parasites CAUSE the diarrhea, and you treat them to get RID of it, you are absolutely right! If everyone went by what that vet said, we'd never have parasite-free cats at all! She may have a sensitivity to something in her food, just off of the top of my head. That could cause the stinky and the runny poo. But that's a pure guess, and I'd rule out parasites, just to be sure. AND, they can hide in the lining of the intestines and not be competely killed by worming.
Yeah, we also thought it was the food, so we've switched food 3 times since she came home, never switching it the same day, we've done it gradually, but the stinky poop never stopped (the smell is really really horrible, and she's very gassy), so I'm pretty sure she has parasites, and therefore diarrhea, but I waited to treat that cause she was on the other treatment and also I was making time so my other cat and dog could get the treatment too, plus the diarrhea stopped and she's very active and plays and jumps so I wasn't worried, but now it's back...

I'm taking her to the vet today, my vet, so I hope he gives her the appropriate treatment and we can finally get rid of the diarrhea (and the super stinky poop).

Thank you for your answer!
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Oct 9, 2017
Let me know what the vet says!
Visit with the vet went really well, he told me it was very possible she had parasites, not necessarily giardia, so he prescribed her something for that, and she also had a little fever, so he also prescribed her an antibiotic, and the other possibility he gave me was that she could be very sensitive to the food, so he also gave her some probiotics, and she's going to be taking the treatment for 5 days, and I've to wait 5 more days to see how she's doing, if the diarrhea comes back he's going to test her stools for giardia, and if they come back negative we're going to switch the food again for a more “neutral” one.

She's doing just fine, no diarrhea in the litter box today, she's active and sweet, but she tried to throw up the antibiotic, haha.

I'll keep you posted ;)


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Please do! I am so encouraged that she is progressing, even if she did try to throw up her antibiotic. Tell her I've gagged on them a time or two, myself!