5yr Indoor Cat Sick? So Worried.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2018
This might be kind of long, so sorry in advance.

I recently took the cat to the vet for an exam and an update on rabies and distemper vaccines. He's kind of a big guy (17 pounds) so they recommended that I cut back his dry food a little to 1/4cup 2x a day, where he was getting about 2/3 cup 1x a day. We did that and shortly after I realized that I no longer had to fill his food dish because it was still full. I thought he was rebelling so I gave it a few days and we came to notice that he was lethargic, would isolate himself and not greet us at the door, not using the litter box much, etc. He also seemed to be walking funny, like his back legs were stiff. He'd only walk a few steps before sitting down. This was about a week and a half after the vet visit.

I took him in at about 4pm Friday and he had a fever of 103.6 (previous vet visit showed 102.5...probably from stress because he is not a traveler), the vet said his bladder was empty and he's either not making any urine or he just went (I knew he didn't go at all that day because I had been with him since early morning), and he didn't seem in any pain when he pushed on his stomach and so forth. He also was 15.6 pounds. Vet gave him an antibiotic shot, some fluids to keep him from being dehydrated, told me that we should encourage him to eat, and took a blood sample and sent it off for a comprehensive blood test. I forgot to mention the walking because I was so concerned about everything else.

Vet finally called us back today with the results and said that all the virus scans were negative and all of the blood tests ran were normal. We got pate soft food yesterday and he finally started eating (we had to bring it to him asleep on our bed and put the plate right in front of him) and he ate about half a can throughout the day and about half a can today. Has been sleeping and laying down most of the day. Seems to be more alert but he is still walking funny. He takes a few steps and then sits down and it looks like he is kind of stiff, like his legs hurt. I'm wondering if maybe its just inflammation from the fever or some sort of infection that just didn't show up? The vet has no answers and says to just monitor him. Any thoughts?

Sorry for the novel, I'm just really concerned. He is my baby and I am so worried. He has never been sick.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I'm so sorry this is happening!
Can you get a video of his walking? Send that to your vet, then if you still don't get much help, maybe contact another vet or even a university veterinary department. Hang in there!!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Oh and something that might help is take some of that pate food, add about a tablespoon of warm to hot water, stir (a shot glass works well) and see if he likes that.
There are also kitten glop recipes on the internet, he might go for something like that, and see if he'll drink some goat milk.
Unseasoned boiled chicken, or canned kitten food are a couple other things to try while you're working on getting his appetite back.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 16, 2018
He may have sprained or pulled something in a leg playing or junping or climbing. My boy did this about a month ago. Went off his food and was very depressed and lethargic. After some pain meds and anti inflammatory his fever went down and his appetite came back. Definitely mention the walking odd to the vet. And try some kitten milk replacement or the water from a can of tuna in water to get his appetite up. Keep up updated and good luck
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2018
I'm so sorry this is happening!
Can you get a video of his walking? Send that to your vet, then if you still don't get much help, maybe contact another vet or even a university veterinary department. Hang in there!!
yes, I took a video this weekend and I took another one yesterday and emailed it to the vet! I’ll give him a day or so to review it. Honestly thinking it’s a delayed vaccine reaction. He hasn’t gotten any vaccines since he was a kitten (being the only pet, all indoor). Hasn’t been sick or anything and then about 10 days after getting a distemper vaccine...I don’t know. I’ve read a few things recently about cats doing the same limp (and fever and lethargy) that he has about the same amount of time after a vaccine.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2018
He may have sprained or pulled something in a leg playing or junping or climbing. My boy did this about a month ago. Went off his food and was very depressed and lethargic. After some pain meds and anti inflammatory his fever went down and his appetite came back. Definitely mention the walking odd to the vet. And try some kitten milk replacement or the water from a can of tuna in water to get his appetite up. Keep up updated and good luck
Potentially!! We live in an apartment so there isn’t many places to climb or jump from, two feet at most to the bed and such. I’ve been adding extra warm water to the pate and I’m hoping to get him through a can a day. I’ll see about the kitten milk and such!! Thank you


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 11, 2018
Has his fever resolved itself? 103.6 is a high fever and most fevers have underlying issues that are not caused by stress. If he still has a fever then there is likely something more wrong with him.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 19, 2018
Has his fever resolved itself? 103.6 is a high fever and most fevers have underlying issues that are not caused by stress. If he still has a fever then there is likely something more wrong with him.
I’m not sure! It’s a super stressful trip to the vet (for us both) so I’m trying to avoid that again, and I don’t feel comfortable taking it at home, because most of the time I’m alone. However, his paws and ears and such do not feel hot. I did just open a can of food though and I saw him eyeing me and he walked (limped, lol slowly but surely) over and rubbed up against me. So that’s a good sign!


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 11, 2018
I’m not sure! It’s a super stressful trip to the vet (for us both) so I’m trying to avoid that again, and I don’t feel comfortable taking it at home, because most of the time I’m alone. However, his paws and ears and such do not feel hot. I did just open a can of food though and I saw him eyeing me and he walked (limped, lol slowly but surely) over and rubbed up against me. So that’s a good sign!
That is a really good sign. I had a bit of a poor experience recently which was similarish. My little cat got really lethargic and wouldn’t / couldn’t jump on things anymore.
He still ate a little bit but not much.

I ended up taking in him and he had a fever which was around 104. They couldn’t get it to go down. He also had inflammation in his spine ( which affected his hind legs a bit).
It was a nightmare of diagnosis - his blood were good and they couldn’t figure it out. It was very scary so I understand!

It sounds like your little mate is improving so maybe he has just hurt himself from jumping from too high and the fever was just from inflammation. That was their first instinct for mine ( though it turned out to be toxoplasma)

If he isn’t improving and you want some suggestions please post back!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
Hopefully after your vet reviews the video you will have some answers. If your vet is still not able to provide answers after viewing the video then I would get a 2nd opinion from a different vet. Is there any way to get a 2nd opinion from a vet that can come to your house instead of having the cat travel? If you post some general information about where you are located I would be more than happy to do some research to look for mobile vets in your area. Another option would be to look for a vet that only sees cats.

My 12 year old cat does not like to travel. She was abandoned out a car window as a baby and is still scared of being in the car. It takes two of us to get Starbuck in the carrier and she screams like she is being murdered in the car. She also pees on herself in the carrier sometimes. A vet gave us a sample Feliway wipe and suggested we wipe down the carrier before her next appointment. I was not home the next time hubby had to take her to the vet. He wiped down the carrier with the Feliway. He was able to get her in the carrier by himself without more than a little complaining. She only complained a little bit in the car and did not pee on herself. One the way home she actually took a nap in the carrier. She came out of the carrier after the appointment and hung out with hubby instead of hiding for hours. She did not receive any vaacines at this appointment. She was going in for a check-up after recovering from a nasty URI. My hubby said she was a different cat and seemed much more comfortable and a lot less scared in the car. This maybe something you can try for your baby.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 16, 2018
Also an app called relax my cat plays calming music, works wonders for my 6 when in the car or waiting room at the vets. Without it they cry all the time and either hide or try to escape the carrier. With it they are super calm! I play the scared kittens tune. A mobile vet is a great idea too.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 16, 2018
Potentially!! We live in an apartment so there isn’t many places to climb or jump from, two feet at most to the bed and such. I’ve been adding extra warm water to the pate and I’m hoping to get him through a can a day. I’ll see about the kitten milk and such!! Thank you
What about wardrobes/closets kitchen counters and cupboards/ fridge freezer etc. My guys get everywhere!! Hope your baby gets better soon!


TCS Member
Aug 10, 2018
This might be kind of long, so sorry in advance.

I recently took the cat to the vet for an exam and an update on rabies and distemper vaccines. He's kind of a big guy (17 pounds) so they recommended that I cut back his dry food a little to 1/4cup 2x a day, where he was getting about 2/3 cup 1x a day. We did that and shortly after I realized that I no longer had to fill his food dish because it was still full. I thought he was rebelling so I gave it a few days and we came to notice that he was lethargic, would isolate himself and not greet us at the door, not using the litter box much, etc. He also seemed to be walking funny, like his back legs were stiff. He'd only walk a few steps before sitting down. This was about a week and a half after the vet visit.

I took him in at about 4pm Friday and he had a fever of 103.6 (previous vet visit showed 102.5...probably from stress because he is not a traveler), the vet said his bladder was empty and he's either not making any urine or he just went (I knew he didn't go at all that day because I had been with him since early morning), and he didn't seem in any pain when he pushed on his stomach and so forth. He also was 15.6 pounds. Vet gave him an antibiotic shot, some fluids to keep him from being dehydrated, told me that we should encourage him to eat, and took a blood sample and sent it off for a comprehensive blood test. I forgot to mention the walking because I was so concerned about everything else.

Vet finally called us back today with the results and said that all the virus scans were negative and all of the blood tests ran were normal. We got pate soft food yesterday and he finally started eating (we had to bring it to him asleep on our bed and put the plate right in front of him) and he ate about half a can throughout the day and about half a can today. Has been sleeping and laying down most of the day. Seems to be more alert but he is still walking funny. He takes a few steps and then sits down and it looks like he is kind of stiff, like his legs hurt. I'm wondering if maybe its just inflammation from the fever or some sort of infection that just didn't show up? The vet has no answers and says to just monitor him. Any thoughts?

Sorry for the novel, I'm just really concerned. He is my baby and I am so worried. He has never been sick.