5 Year Old Cat Suspected Lymphoma

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TCS Member
Apr 26, 2018
Get vitality science it's
1-advance immune support.
3-Esclear is for kidney support..
There's also life gold I hear is good to.
The main thing is to pull up ur baby immune system in ur baby.
those help large cell too. If u don't do chemo. Chemo is $45. It's my plan b. I have them all ready to go just in case.. And probiotic. Ther feline granular. Milk thistle for liver.
Ull need something for tumy acid to not get upset tummy we use urisidol.
But Main thing go get
Pedalyte generic unflavored
And jars of baby food.
Do dropper full or a syringe n put down ther throat
That honestly helps them wanna eat.
Good luck honey.

Thank you @alzycat we have a gofundme so I'm trying not to let coat influence my decision too much but our oncologist didn't seem optimistic that chemo would give him more than a year with us so I'm torn. It's hard to differentiate what I'm doing to help him and what I'm doing to help myself because I love him so much..


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2018
Chemo can give you a few years.. .
All depends on ur fighting. Don't give up. N do syringe to make him feel better. Even when he eats on his own still do syringe.

Get vitality science it's
1-advance immune support.
3-Esclear is for kidney support..
There's also life gold I hear is good to.
The main thing is to pull up ur baby immune system in ur baby.
those help large cell too. If u don't do chemo. Chemo is $45. It's my plan b. I have them all ready to go just in case.. And probiotic. Ther feline granular. Milk thistle for liver.
Ull need something for tumy acid to not get upset tummy we use urisidol.
But Main thing go get
Pedalyte generic unflavored
And jars of baby food.
Do dropper full or a syringe n put down ther throat
That honestly helps them wanna eat.
Good luck honey.
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Young Cat
Apr 9, 2018
Thank you all for your support and offered help... we had to put my baby down yesterday and I am completely shattered. We were feeding him recovery rs food by syringe every three hours but it wasn't enough. We took him to the vet thinking it was just a check-up. They did an ultrasound and the oncologist broke it to us that his lymphoma had grown in his intestines and was beginning to perforate and was causing him pain.

We couldn't bring him home for fear that he'd be in even more pain and would pass horribly. I had to make the decision to let him go there. I gave him so many kisses and pets and told him i loved him so so much but I couldn't bring myself to actually say the words "goodbye" as it felt too permanent.

It's been over 12 hours and I'm still sobbing uncontrollably. I can't imagine my life without him and I'm angry that this beautiful little soul wasn't given more time like he deserved.

Chemo gave him almost a month more with us pain-free but I also slowly watched my boy weaken so I'm still not sure which was the right choice.

I don't know how to function with everything reminding me of him and not being able to hold him or smell his fur. I'm hoping you all can guide me toward some grief posts as this is the first pet I've lost in my life. I'm in unbelievable pain right now..

Thank you for all your suggestions and I'm sorry I never saw the post about my gofundme, it's so kind of you all to want to help me.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
So sorry to read this sad news. We'll close the thread now out of respect for your loss, and we invite you to post a tribute to your kitty in our Crossing the Bridge forum.
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