4m/o kitten swallows thread/cardboard/plastic and anything small that he finds on the floor. What do


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 2, 2015
he swallows literally anything and everything that can fit in his mouth! 

(we vacuum and clean the house regular but its impossible to keep small pieces/shreds off of the floor 24/7)

he's started doing this recently (like a week ago)

could it be that i am feeding him too little? i feed him:

-cold wet food for breakfast and lunch (1 tbsp everytime. he doesn't touch 10-sec-heated food) 

-1/2cup of dry food to graze on at night

(he eats probably half of that 1tbsp of wet food. i always find some left in the bowl after 20-30mins. could there be another reason why he never finishes his wet-food other than that that he could be full?)
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I have not had a kitten for many years, but you have to think of them as toddlers. They get into everything and eat anything they can get. You have to kitten proof the house. Plastic should not be left out, none at all.
He sounds like he is teething. Do you have enough toys around for him? And things to explore? Like a cat tunnel. They do sell teething toys for kittens.
My guy is 11 years old and loves plastic. I have to keep all plastic in the cabinets. Thread is the same. Actually, how much thread is on the floor if you are always vacuuming?
The same with cardboard. How much can be on the floor and carpet?

You have to think human toddlers. That is what he is now.

Also, just my opinion , but I do not think a tablespoon of food twice a day and then some kibble at night is enough for him. My opinion again, wet food is better for cats.
Cut down on the dry at night. He maybe hungrier and will eat more in the morning. I would increase the amount of wet.
I think kittens nibble more, but at 4 months, I do not know how often they eat.

He may prefer room temp food and not heated. I know Artie does.

I hope others, more experience kitten people will comment soon.

Good luck
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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
could it be that i am feeding him too little? i feed him:

-cold wet food for breakfast and lunch (1 tbsp everytime. he doesn't touch 10-sec-heated food) 

-1/2cup of dry food to graze on at night

(he eats probably half of that 1tbsp of wet food. i always find some left in the bowl after 20-30mins. could there be another reason why he never finishes his wet-food other than that that he could be full?)
Honestly, I don't think you are feeding your kitten enough. One tablsepoon of food for a meal isn't enough to fill up a kitten's tummy. Kittens need to be fed as much as they will eat because they heed all that food for their growing bodies. What brands of food are you feeding, both dry and canned? Maybe he doesn't like the brands? You shoud be feeding more like one whole 3 oz can twice a day with more canned or some dry food left out for snacking on.

How is your kitten's body condition? Is he skin and bones? Have you taken the kitten to the vet recently? If not, a check up wouldn't hurt to rule out something like worms which may affect appetite or any number of medical conditions like pica.

Many kittens will eat anything that will fit into their mouths. You just have to keep on top of vaccuuming the floors and make sure your place is kitten-proof. Does your kitten get enoughplaytime? Some kittens who are bored will start looking for things to do and that includes eating anythng they can find. Play with your kitten more and consider getting another cat so your kitten has someone to play with.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 13, 2015
Washington State USA
What Artiemom and LTS3 said!! Kittens are worse than a human toddler!  I am a clean freak and yet my two kittens can find the most dangerous things on the floors but also by climbing into unlatched cabinets and closets when you turn your back for one second.... Most recently, my one kitten had to be xrayed for a potential bowel obstruction(diarrhea)- it turned out there was no bowel obstruction, he had ingested potting soil from a potted tree.  Now I had to get rid of all potted plants. 

My vet suggested feeding 6 small meals daily.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2015
I agree with all above as well, our kitten gets half a pouch of wet twice a day, mashed in with a kibble, plus kibble on the side. she's a fussy one sometimes, but other times she will clean the bowl. Don't be afraid of putting too much down, the kitten will eat when it is hungry and show you the preferred food. we also offer her treats for good behaviour, good play, good petting, trimming, a check over etc. yesterday she had some ear wax so we cleaned it and she hated the washing but she got some tasty treats after. she didn't eat much today until the afternoon because she was so full of treats. (and also maybe ticked off we cleaned her ears).

If after about 6mo you notice some extra weight then would really be the time to check what kitten is eating, weigh him often maybe once a week and amend the diet, but it really depends on lifestyle as well. A heavyweight boxer of 20 so years will not eat as much as a slim 16 yo model type. Just like humans cats differ, all you can do is offer enough food.

That said, I would gradually increase what you are offering at the moment, if the kitten is so hungry that he is chewing on bits of plastic and wires he may really go to town on a large meal and make himself sick . Just increase what you are feeding each meal and even write it down if you are stuck remembering. The kitten should gain weight quickly and be playful and lively, hydrated and maintaining healthy weight. Ask your vet to weigh at your next check up and they should offer advice if something is wrong.

I'd also reccommend some Puzzle type treat toys, you can make some yourself by sealing the ends of a toilet roll/kitchen roll tube and poking holes in the cardboard. that the treats can fall through and this should keep him entertained between meals if he's peckish, maintaining the physical play as well