4-5 week old kitten questions!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 27, 2019
I have recently gotten 2 kittens that are around 4 or 5 weeks. I have been feeding them wet cat food (I cant get kitten food where I am right now) mixed with kitten formula because they will not take a bottle and Im assuming theyre old enough to begin eating food anyways. My question is, how often should I feed them and how much should they eat per feeding? Ive been really stressed about them because one of my kittens died around this age(from something unrelated) but its also been a while since Ive taken care of kittens this young. They are very active and look healthy I just want to be sure Im taking care of them correctly.
Also, one of them has a bad eye and Im pretty sure it hurts because he hisses and gets upset anytime I or his sibling touches near it. Should I take him to the vet at this age??



Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
My question is, how often should I feed them and how much should they eat per feeding?
At this age, they can eat wet food. Also you may want to add in some KMR milk replacer into their food to boost their strength and immune system. KMR milk replacer comes either in powder or liquid form.
Feed them wet food as much as they can eat at one sitting and feed them 5, 6, 7 times a day. You can never overfeed a kitten. Wet food has all the nutrients and proteins they need. Guideline is see how much food they finish at one sitting and that will be your rough guide for the amount to feed each time.

When they are around 7 months old, they'll go through a phase called Growth Spurt and during this period, they tend to eat more till they are around year plus and their amount of food intake and number of feeds will taper off. For normal breeds, they mature at 1 year old and for bigger breeds, they take 2 - 4 years to mature.

For now, feed them with food meant for kittens and slowly switch over to adult's food when they mature. Or you may choose food labeled 'For All Life Stages' and with this, you can feed them now and all the way into their adulthood.

And for the eye, please bring your kitty to the vet for a professional advice and treatment.
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