3 Month Old Lethargic Kitten not pooping

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Jan 23, 2024
Hi H hm12 and a very warm welcome to the forum !

Small pebbles are a textbook symptom of constipation.

IF he were here, I could do (either/both)
  • add some plain pumpkin/squash to the liquified food he's getting by syringe. Many cats are no 'fans' of pumpkin BUT, if it's introduced in a tiny quantity and that amount gradually increased over a couple of weeks until his stool becomes 'normal (segmented,sausage--shaped like), it's generally accepted
  • add a small quantity of Miralax [without pumpkin, 1/4tsp/day ==== with pumpkin,1/8tsp/day] to the liquified syringed food until the stool normalizes
Meantime, I would also be presenting tiny quantities of wet foods on a small plate (better than bowls) to entice his return to normal eating, feeding himself.

And, meantime.............we'd love to see more pictures!!!
Thank you for the advice. I have not been using bowl's because I know they can obstruct his whiskers. But even using plates he will not eat and rather screams at me to syringe feed him every 2 hours! I am happy he is doing better, but he is a very needy cat. Won't sleep unless he's next to me as well.
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  • #22


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 23, 2024
I'm so happy to hear that! He might begin to eat on his own if you move him to a raised bowl. Bending his head down can still cause pressure or uncomfortableness until he beats his cold.

He may also comfort feed with you, but hopefully you can begin coaxing a few bites from a raised bowl. I just use cardboard much of the time for this.

PS. We are always happy to see kitten photos on the site as well if/when you share. Hopefully you can just enjoy the sociability of this site now that he's doing well.
I think you were right about everything. But he still would rather me syringe feed him. I've taken a week off from work so I am happy to do so until he gets his sense of smell and energy back.


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Apr 29, 2022
I think you were right about everything. But he still would rather me syringe feed him. I've taken a week off from work so I am happy to do so until he gets his sense of smell and energy back.
Wonderful ❤ and that's okay. I get that. Lily had my syringe feed her for a couple weeks. It wasn't forceful and was rather her sitting in front of me and eating it as I slowly pushed it out of the syringe. So I didn't worry about her choking as long as I continued slowly and watched to make sure she was licking and swallowing. I know there's always a risk but it went well for us.

You said he's still rather congested and coughing so it will take time until he's ready to eat on his own again. If you have it available, you can also offer him some kitten formula or mix that in his food (if you want).

Keep at it! You're doing a good job. Thanks for caring for him.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
YAYYYYYYYYYY! POOP! Happy dances, many of them!

WHAT a relief........for both of you!

I really wanted to give you a trustworthy website about constipation. It's set up as a course, of which you can take a short or long version, it's plain-language and written by a woman who knows cats really well. It's this: FelineConstipation.org. (and, of course, you can just go in anywhere and get what you need.)

One of the key learnings inside there:

Food feeds the cat. Fiber feeds the gut bacteria.
FIBER - FCdot com.jpg

So, unlike what's often suggested, that fiber is an "add-on", fiber is an integral requirement of a cat's diet - in its absence, the gut 'simply' doesn't 'work'.

For his upper respiratory problems, there's only one suggestion I can offer right now. You could humidify your bathroom by just running a hot water shower until the air in there is noticeably heavier. Keep him in there for a half-hour or so and repeat that several times a day. Most folks find that this can offer some relief.

You're so fortunate to have the entire week to devote to him! The bonding that's occurring will last his lifetime!

Hopefully his recovery will continue and he's in much better shape by Monday.

It might be wise to scour and 'kitten-proof' the areas of your home that he'll have access to when you're away (as he appears to have dropped in on you.....unexpectedly and unannounced.:lol:) .I think it's guaranteed that he'll tear the place apart in your absence....and, who knows what he might get into!

Considering how very attached to you he has become, he'll surely miss your presence next week. Perhaps between now and then you could give him some 'alone times', short but gradually lengthening periods of time when you'll go out of the house. I think this will likely help to ease him over that 'hump'.

Also, there's something called a 'heartbeat toy' that some folks have - a cuddley toy with a heartbeat-like vibration. That might work as a substitute for your company. And, you can introduce him to playing with toys now, too.

And, don't hesitate to post questions..........lots of help around here!

In exchange for help, we need pictures, lots of pictures! :hyper:
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  • #26


TCS Member
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Jan 23, 2024
I can't express how thankful I am for everyone on this amazing forum. I can never pay you all back for the priceless advice and information you've given us. You all are amazing! Ijibear and me thank you all from the deepest bottom of our hearts. I've fallen in love with this cat and his personality is coming out more and more!

He is doing much much better now. He's finally left his room and and is adapting to the rest of the home. He finally ate from a raised bowl, thank you Alldara! His eyes cleared up! He still has his wet cough and is still lethargic, which could be a side effect of the shots he was given. But he is steadily gaining weight and doing much better now thanks to everyones advice here! I'm going out today to buy a wide variety of toys for him when he wakes up. I haven't gotten to brushing him yet, but I will do that soon!

Here are some pictures of Ijibear, I apologize for the poor quality photos!


white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
OMG! WHAT a sweeeeeeeeet-looking little one! In that 5th pic there, he looks "the dead spit*" of my Rusty! Could be twins!

And, he's EATING from a plate! THAT's a major gain for you, and a significant sign of recovery in action. He can finally smell, and I'd say well along on his way back.

Now, with the new toys, introduce them one at a time, playing with it and him.They'll be appreciated much more, that way. (oh, we wouldn't reject pix then, either :lol:)

I don't know if you're good with phonics, but I'd love to know how you pronounce his name. I have one thought/idea, so I'm curious to know if that one's right. Curious about its language/derivation, too.

Up and onwards.....................

[* in these parts, still commonly used in everyday convos]
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  • #29


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 23, 2024
Thank you! whiteshadow do you have a picture of Rusty by any chance I'd love to see him!

By the way I pronounce him name as (eegee-bear)! :D