3 Cats 3 Different Behaviors


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 24, 2018
Hi everyone I am having issues keeping up with 3 cats behaviors. Currently our youngest is in heat so she is extra moody!

First, Alfie the male cat he is not fixed and is about 2yrs but he doesn't spray too often unless I tell him no outside time (at night it is a warning in the area to keep domestic animals indoors because of the stray cat population) so he walks around the house tail up meowing franticly and sprays once or twice he's never been out at night but he is outside from 6am to 6pm everyday, he also doesn't eat too often and hides in the kitchen closet or if he's in the bedroom he will hide in the corner on his bed or if outside he lifts up the outdoor couch cushion up to sit inside it all day, I try to spend time with him play with toys but he would rather keep to himself in the corner/closet/couch, one strange thing he does is digs on plastic bags and sits on them or meows at them I'm not sure if he is trying to play with it or not? So I tend to not leave them lying around

Second, jigger female cat she is fixed and is about 4yr now she is a relaxed cat she was our first cat I adopted her myself and bought her home she was starved choked by her collar and locked inside a home alone for months as the owner may have died or moved at that time so rspca took her ,so i looked after her when she was scared of new noises needed food and wanted attention but now she seems more attached to my partner she will only cuddle him walk to him when called, I can't pat her anymore unless she comes to me on her own, she won't sit on my lap anymore and when I see her curled up on my partners lap or in his arms laying down with him she gets up and stares at me meowing in a deep tone, I have to walk away for her to continue what she does! Why is this?? I can't even pick up her toy (tennis ball or her woven mouse), as it seems like she "confronts" me about her things. So now I avoid something's to not disturb her if I do she let's out a meow that sounds like pain or irritated ,my partner always asks what I doa to her and all I need to do is ever so softly almost not touching her with a poke with my toe to upset her it seems :(

Third, Mia she is possibly between 8month-1year we didn't get many details as she was found abandoned on the road dehydrated starved and left in the 36° heat that day inside a closed box, she is a lively one always active constantly goes Ooh what's that Ooh what's this?? But she has a strange meow different from any cat I've heard...its a growl deep meow and I'm not sure what it is, she is not in any pain she does it when she's super happy playing with her bell toys or string toys with me, she is also stuck to my feet most days not wanting outdoors? She will meow all day just to get back inside and I'm not sure if she is scared or just plain and simple dislikes outdoors, everytime I open the door she refuses runs and hides in the room and when I find her she snuggles me and has a cute squiky meow, the whole lot to just stay indoors with me not alone she can't be without me or at least someone she knows pretty well but sometimes just me at all times will follow me everywhere aswell

All cats have there own food bowls one large water bowl and a refill on its own water bowl in a separate location, they are all allowed outdoors from 6am to 6pm, we haven't moved in over 6months and our nosy neighbor likes to come watch movies with my partner and brings his friend sometimes, the house is in a fully enclosed area but is huge even the cats when they are outside just laze around it's that much of an area, but when the gate opens for the carport they all scatter to the house, same with the front gate, cars sometimes come and go a lot nothing I can do about that! :( ,but I allow 3 water bowls outside I also sit on the lounge outside and watch them a bit Alfie sleeps inside the sofa outside...not out too much and jigger rolls in the dirt and only sits in the dirt or garden. Mia still refuses unless she follows me outside she is only about 3meters MAX away from me at all times when outdoors, I try to close the door and leave her outside but she just meows allllllll day and I feel bad for her.

Any suggestions are appreciated I'm really struggling with all these things sometimes like trying to get Mia outside ,Alfie out of the cupboard and jiggers weird "don't touch me" meows all in one go is well... Ugh! Is how to say it I don't ever force my cats to do anything they don't want to I try to keep them as happy as can be I know this is a long post but I tried to be as detailed as possible to help narrow down something's I can do for these cats


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Congrats on your three rescues. Despite each having issues for you they do all sound like they are doing well.

For his sake and yours, Alfie needs to be neutered. I don’t think it will change his hiding behavior but it will stop him from deciding to escape beyond your property in search of a mate. Some cats need a dark safe place to sleep and Alfie seems to be one of those. If his hiding spots aren’t inconvenient for you, I would just let him sleep wherever. Since is is still a young cat, I would leave a wide variety of toys out for him. I see nothing wrong with letting him have his plastic bag so long as he doesn’t eat it. He might enjoy hiding toys under or in the bag.

Jigger sounds like she just might be a one person cat and has chosen your boyfriend as that person. I would try offering her treats from your hand or next to you to see if that will warm her up. Since she doesn’t like being disturbed or having your feet near her, just don’t do it unless you really need to. Let her come to you rather than going to her. You can also start a game like chasing a toy on a string or a laser light for see if you can get her andnthe other two to have some daily play time with you.

Your last Mia sounds like a sweetie. But if she is frightened to be outside, don’t force her! She may be perfectly content to be an indoors only cat.


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Alfie needs to be neutered. Especially as you are letting him outside, even though he won't give birth their could be dozens of little Alfies running around (and dying) right now. Please fix him or keep him inside if you are determined not to fix him so that he stops contributing to overpopulation. Much of the behavior you mention could be directly related to him not being neutered and there is no point trying to fix it until he is fixed since it is the likely contributor. The bags isn't uncommon fascination, I think it's the sounds. Just please cut the straps so he doesn't get it stuck around his neck and hurt.

Jigger sounds like a one person cat. It happens, my Mom's cat only wants her. He will tolerate everyone else but my Mom is the primary focus of his affection. I would stop backing away when she meows because she has learned that if she does x you do y. While it is good to respect her space there should be a balance. If she meows when you touch her toy try to play and if she doesn't want to play put the toy away. If she grumbles if you get too close sitting near her, don't move let her grumble.

Mia sounds a lot like my girl Rocket. Rocket also has a deep raspy meow which is really funny because she looks so small and dainty. Makes it very identifiable from the others. Rocket also dislikes going outside without me and wants to constantly be with or on me. She goes through moods where she is less clingy and other times where I can't even go to the bathroom without her sitting pressed up against the door anxious for me to come out. I've gotten into the habit of having a habit. Routine really seems to help her relax and I talk to her. It probably sounds odd but if she's in a room and not paying attention I'll tell her I am leaving to go to a different room or I'll be right back. I know she doesn't understand the words but speaking seems to calm her. I think it becomes less of a the human vanished and more the human is going type situation.

I will usually go outside with Rocket a few times a day on weekends just to get her outside, weekdays she comes and goes but if I am home she won't leave me. It might be that you need to start hanging out outside so Mia feels comfortable out there with you. I worked with Rocket for several months getting her comfortable by going outside with her for hours at a time (frequently eating meals outside). She tends to be more comfortable if one of the boys are out there with her but I tend to leave the door open when I go back in so she can follow me in. Otherwise she will do the same thing of wanting back in minus the crying, Rocket will just sit and stare at the door until someone opens it or one of her brother come in and yell at us to open it for her.

It sounds like you don't have a cat door. That might really help Mia out by allowing her to come in and go out. I have a PetDoor that has curfew set up to auto lock and unlock, works off the cats microchips and keeps critters out of the house. I absolutely love it and it saves us from having to wake up early or be home by a certain time by being automatic. If you are renting and can't install it in the door, and you have sliders, they do make pet door attachments for sliders.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to The Cat Site. :wave2: Thank you for caring for those 3 cats. Especially Mia and Jigger who both had horrible things happen to them before they came to live with you.

I highly recommend getting Allie neutered. It will make his life so much simpler once he's not driven by his hormones to search out females. It may also stop his occasional spraying. And it will for sure stop the strong stink of his urine.

Also, please get Mia spayed asap. If she's in heat, and has either been around Allie, or outside of your house, she either already is, or will be pregnant very soon.

Here's a TCS article on Why You Should Spay And Neuter Your Cats
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TCS Member
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Mar 24, 2018
thank you all for Commenting.

One thing about my Alfie he doesnt seem to be bothered whatsoever about Mia's hormones and he isnt drivin at all that ive seen by females, His yard he does rounds, around the fence line then sits down for an hr and does another walk each hr, Male cats come by he chases them off no fights so far he just pushes them out, he is really just a Meh type of cat i was a little concerned with his eating habits as his body seems a bit skinny but that could just be his big head! and still is growing, And as for his sleeping in the kitchen cupboard we keep our cooking utensils in there i wouldnt usually move him at all but that one spot he claws the cupboard open and sits in there watching our feet then goes to sleep for a while but its still not sanitary for your stuff :p

As for jigger i know i shouldnt allow her to control where i sit but sometimes im just eh ill move to shut her up, treats work but only if there is unlimited supply i will say she is one smart cat treats or no treats she knows what im up to even if i change my daily routine even when i move from my seat she steals it and refuses to move doesnt matter where i sit. she needs to take it from me We have 2 1 seaters and a 3 seater lounge, it came to the point i needed to bring my camping chair in as she doesnt enjoy sitting on it the way its slanted so she doesnt take my seat for long, For Mia i dont want to force her out but our living situation is irritating as the landlord wants them outdoors during the day since she parks inside our fence she always pokes her nose where it doesnt belong and announces herself when she sees something she dislikes (Cat indoors), she refuses to install catdoors and we dont have sliding screen doors or a screen door at all to install one on our own so we leave one door open for them to freely come in and out with im trying my best to keep everyone happy until im able to leave this house to a better situation, as applications take a while plus the bond Money >.<

I left a bit of detail from how we got alfie, he was a teenie tiny kitten, the Family who owned him was too rough for his liking, the mother wanted a playfull kitty and he just wouldnt play, he would hide when her kids came home as they pulled on his tail or tried to dress him up with their dolls , meow when patted by the children and seemed terrified, she said he also didnt eat much or if any at all.. He didnt even eat for the first 2 days when he was with us, i used the same foods but i dont think he liked the food she bought so i put a seperate bowl down of our Grain free brand and our own mix of fresh meat one little blob to see if he will eat. (She must have picked a bad brand he didnt like eating what she gave us)
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Mar 24, 2018
i have also noticed in the last week Jigger has an issue recognising Alfie some days and he doesnt take that too well confronting her and doing some weird Slight arched back Hefty chuft (That it makes him sneeze)and intimidating eyes Jigger Squavels back and rolls to her back, alfie will just sit and stair at her until someone Removes one cat from the situation or jigger claws and runs. jigger has Attacked alfie a few times now, claw bite and kicking of hind legs she is real moody when this happens she has even attacked me when ive tried to calm her myself she runs to my partner for comfort so now i just give her a clear path to him, as for alfie e just goes back to being himself once she's all calm she walks back to alfie with a strange chatter, similar to mimicking birds ,he responds the same way ? does that mean they are ok or will this still continue for a while? im not sure what the chattering together is but i dont want Jigger causing a fight and getting both injured


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 24, 2017
Northeast Montana
The only reason I know of that a male cat would not be interested in a female cat in heat is if he is already neutered. So that problem may have been take care of.


Snowshoe Servant
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Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
The only reason I know of that a male cat would not be interested in a female cat in heat is if he is already neutered. So that problem may have been take care of.
Some cats mature later. I know in the hoarder situation my girl came from it was typically between 1.5 and 3 that they started mating.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
How are you keeping the in heat female and the intact male seperate? Just curious. Any reason they are still intact? We are more then happy to help you fine low cost clinics for neutering if you tell us your location.

Also if you have all the strays outside, what happens if Alfie is provoked one day by one of the stray males and they fight? Then he risks contracting FIV and FeLV. Plus the spraying around the house has to be annoying no? How is "spraying once or twice" ok? That is urine on the wall/carpet/couch whatever I don't understand how you are just ok dealing with that lol. I would go insane. Plus the smell is horrendous!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 24, 2018
The only reason I know of that a male cat would not be interested in a female cat in heat is if he is already neutered. So that problem may have been take care of.

We got alfie as a Kitten we asked a Vet if we could neuter him at the age he was too young. So far i havent really seen any reason yet to Hurry and get it done, It will get done just so far he has no signs on aggressive behaviour or breeding behaviours
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 24, 2018
How are you keeping the in heat female and the intact male seperate? Just curious. Any reason they are still intact? We are more then happy to help you fine low cost clinics for neutering if you tell us your location.

Also if you have all the strays outside, what happens if Alfie is provoked one day by one of the stray males and they fight? Then he risks contracting FIV and FeLV. Plus the spraying around the house has to be annoying no? How is "spraying once or twice" ok? That is urine on the wall/carpet/couch whatever I don't understand how you are just ok dealing with that lol. I would go insane. Plus the smell is horrendous!
thanks for your concerns! but i am ok with it because we have brick walls he doesnt do it on furniture and we have no carpet, So i just use water and Vinegar spray to remove it, real quick and easy..

And we are keeping them sort of separate though they both dont show signs that they will mate, she would rather roll around my feet then roll around alfie, and alfie just doesnt care at all it seems like she isnt even under his "radar"


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
Sorry for all my questions lol :/
That is good just keep in mind that he could literally decide in a second that he wants to go after your girl. IMHO you are risking a lot and just askin for something to happen. He is 2 so there is no reason for him to not try to mate with your girl.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 24, 2017
Northeast Montana
I thought I had time, nobody even showed signs of heat. All three, six month old kittens, all at the same time. A total of 11 new kittens was the result. They are sneaky. The basket is missing 2 plus the three mom's. I learned the hard way, or perhaps the fun way, depends on your perspective.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I just wanted to add my suggestion that you get all of your cats spayed and neutered as soon as possible. It's quite possible for a cat to have a silent heat. It only takes a moment to mate. Jigger could be pregnant already by Alfie or by one of the outside tom cats.

Apart from a litter on kittens for you to care for and re-home (Not to mention all the feral born kittens that Alfie will have fathered by now) allowing your cats to mate exposes them to infections and virus. Feline AIDS and Feline Infectious Leukemia are both highly contagious and often fatal diseases.

I took a litter of 4 five month old female kittens to be spayed a few years ago and three of them were already pregnant. They'd shown no signs of being in heat and were only allowed outside for a few hours a day.

If you let us know which city and state you live in we can help you find low cost spay and neuter clinics.

I think all the behaviour problems your cats are showing are being exacerbated by them still being intact.
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  • #15


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 24, 2018
Sorry for all my questions lol :/
That is good just keep in mind that he could literally decide in a second that he wants to go after your girl. IMHO you are risking a lot and just askin for something to happen. He is 2 so there is no reason for him to not try to mate with your girl.
I'm just surprised I'm get to kg comments on this site I've been through 5 sites now and only this one is actually working, but questions are fine! They also help me understand things like nutering I honestly had no thought on it till now everyone seems to have very good points on nutering him!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
Well welcome to the site!! This is a pretty active one. I have been on here 17 years lolol. Its a good one, lots of wonderful, knowledgable people here. We are also HUGE advocates of neutering because many of us work with strays/ferals and see the issues with overpopulation. Well, I suppose you see it too with the strays by you. We will always recommend neutering as the number 1 way to help with weird cat behaviors. I just worry that the longer you wait, the worse the problems will get :/