2 week old bottle-fed runt fading fast


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 1, 2014
I am fostering a pair of bottle kittens that have been with me since they were about 12 hours old. One is normal sized. The other was only 64 grams when I picked them up. In the first week they did well. Both gained weight. The tiny one put on 54 more grams.
This week has been challenging though. Both have cried a lot, as though they were colicky or uncomfortable. They developed yellow diarhea. They've become incontinent. The large male has continued to grow in spite of this, putting on 70 grams this past week. He does make a big fuss when I help him urinate - like it is possibly painful.
I'm more worried about the tiny female. She was 118 grams Sunday of last week, and is only 126 grams today. She only gained 8 grams all week. (At one point she actually weighed in at 114 grams - so she dropped, then gained a bit back.) Her droppings have solid chunks in them, but they're pale yellow, and the chunks are almost like curdled cheese.
The shelter put them on a 3 day panacur regimine, and 9 days of albon. We're on the 6th day of Albon, but still horrible yellow curdled looking diarhea.
The tiny kitten is taking 6 ml per meal, every 4 hours. I've started to give her a small "booster" meal halfway between feedings - just about 3 ccs of KMR. That has seemed to help her energy level a little and she eats it eagerly. She would probably take more if I offered it.
The last litter of fosters I had did test positive for coccidia. But I wouldn't have expected that to show up in 8 day old babies even if they were exposed. (I have kept these in a different area, and tried to clean everything with bleach.)
What does the catsite community think? What do I need to do next? The vet is not at the shelter again until Wednesday and I'd really like to get this pattern reversed before then.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 1, 2014
I think you need to try giving her more...?
She gets free-choice of all she cares to eat at her 4 hour interval meals. I only limit her to 3 ml during the "inter-meal" feedings. My worry is that I could over-feed and make the stomach problems worse. But then again if she's losing weight maybe that shouldn't be my primary concern.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
IF she wants more, give her more... The problem would arise, what to do if she doenstn want, although she should... But as long she wants, be happy and give more.

The normal day ranson is 8ml/ounce; or more if they want. Here its about 35ml a day at a weight of 120g; or more if she wants. its difficult to overfeed a kitten, but ah so easy to underfeed.

Normally, every 4 hours as on the label; its good for a healthy and strong kitten. but its too seldom for a weakish kitten, whom dont manage much at one meal... So with the weak ones, we recommend more often, sometimes even down to every hour...

A good alternative / supplement to KMR is goats milk.
Can you get RAW goats milk? It costs more, but MAY by part of the solution here. It has also some antibiotic values.
If you cant get raw, you can anyways use goats milk as supplement.

Or if you find a kmr brand based on goats milk...

What is about the medical aspects; others are better than me; especially Sarthur2 Sarthur2


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 20, 2022
Meals every 4 hours for a 126g kitten seems like a really long time. I'd give them proper feeds (not just snacks) at least every 2 hours.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It may be coccidia though. Albon is a cure, but Ponazuril seems to cure it faster, within a dose or two if your vet will prescribe it.

In the meantime, sprinkle probiotics into each feeding. This should help their gut health. The Albon may also cause diarrhea even when curing the problem.

You cannot overfeed. Give both kittens as much as they want. They need nutrition to grow.