2 Male Cats Problem


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 10, 2017
I have moved to a new house two days ago.I have a male cat almost 1 year old (will be in January) named Panda and he is unneutered.We don't live alone in the new house so someone here has a 5 yo neutered cat,Jazzy
They don't fight so far,Zazzy puts Panda in his place in a very gentle way.But Panda is completely all over the place,meowing and making sounds constantly and following the other cat everywhere.I have to lock Panda in a room so Zazzy can get some rest otherwise Panda will pester him for hours.They don't attack eachother but when I petted Zazzy on his head Panda instantly jumped on him and tried to bite his neck .Later on I was carrying Zazzy in my arms to try to get him away from Pandas food bowls and it was then when i became worried.Panda saw me holding the other cat and he attacked my calf with in a way i have never seen him doing,agressive not playful.
I've put Zazzy down and ignored the incident.10-15 min later I tried comforting Panda and I was holding him at try to reassure him how much I love him but he attacked my arm and bit me and stuck his claws in my hand very deep.I am very upset about it he has never done something like this especially to me.I feel I am putting him under stress and I don't know how to deal with it better to help him.
Panda never had contact with other cats in the past,he is a very nice friendly cat and was never agressive but very attention seeking.He never once urinated outside the litter box but today after attacking me second time he peed in two spots in a 5 minutes.Right after the incident.
Also noticed he is not very interested in food (he did eat but not half of what he usually has)and hasn't defecated in two days.Only pees.He is hyper and can't stand in one place and can't stop meowing and following this other cat.He barely sleeps also and when he does it's not a deep sleep.Feliway doesn't seem to help him at all.
I am so sad for him....and I can't lock him in one room either because he is ripping the carpets scratching at the door and howling like someone is hurting him.I want to get him neutered but should i wait a few more days to give him time to adjust more to the surroundings? I don't want to stress him out even more.And him being hyper is stressful for us humans in the house also.
What should I do?


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I would get him neutered as soon as possible. While he is likely anxious over the new house and the other cat all of his hormones isn’t helping the situation.