16 week old kitten not gaining weight on food


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 15, 2020

One of my kittens is fast approaching 4 months. Except she's quite underweight at 1.1 kg and hasn't gained much/any weight since I brought her home. She's very healthy and doesn't look skinny and loves to play and sleep.
I'm feeding her both wet food and dry. I also give her some complementary food and I'm going to boil up some boneless chicken for her.

Is kitten milk any good? How can I help her gain some weight?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 15, 2020
I forgot to add she has been health cleared by the vets a couple weeks ago and she is wormed regularly. My other kitten is doing very well on the food they're both on and he's rapidly approaching the 2kg mark.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Could it be the other kitten is eating most of the food? That was the case when we had two kittens. One was eating almost all the food and the other just really wasn't interested in eating...still isn't eleven years later! I had to hand feed mine every time I went into their safe room in order to make sure he was eating at all! Seriously. And even then he wasn't really interested. Mine are both males and there is still a 5 pound difference between them, but neither one is either under or over weight.

Does she appear to be hungry? I'm just wondering if she is simply a very petite cat? Especially if she got a clean bill of health at the Vet. Yes, you can try KMR, you can look for a higher calorie food, you can try feeding her more. Have you asked your Vet what they think she should weigh?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 15, 2020
Could it be the other kitten is eating most of the food? That was the case when we had two kittens. One was eating almost all the food and the other just really wasn't interested in eating...still isn't eleven years later! I had to hand feed mine every time I went into their safe room in order to make sure he was eating at all! Seriously. And even then he wasn't really interested. Mine are both males and there is still a 5 pound difference between them, but neither one is either under or over weight.

Does she appear to be hungry? I'm just wondering if she is simply a very petite cat? Especially if she got a clean bill of health at the Vet. Yes, you can try KMR, you can look for a higher calorie food, you can try feeding her more. Have you asked your Vet what they think she should weigh?
She is a BSH and they shouldn't be "petit" I suppose. She isn't particularly food driven but I feed my other kitten separately as he can be quite greedy. She eats when she's hungry and she's quite finicky. Certain canned food flavours she won't even touch but I don't give it to her once I discover it. I do want to get an appointment with the vets but my local is only taking emergencies and the other one out of town are fully booked so I'll need to wait a few more weeks before I can see a vet

I've petty much dropped all meal time "rules" with her so she has all the time to eat alone and I add some little toppings just to get her to even nibble a little. On the tin it says she should be eating about 200g-250g but she's eating about 100g with spoonfuls of complementary food.


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
I do want to get an appointment with the vets but my local is only taking emergencies and the other one out of town are fully booked so I'll need to wait a few more weeks before I can see a vet

You have a vet who is already familiar with your kittens- can you not text or email them about your concerns?
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TCS Member
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Jun 15, 2020
Just gave them a ring and spoke briefly to one of the assistants. They aren't too worried currently but they said she was underweight and should be the same weight as my other kitten. I was told to feed her more regularly and the vets will see her in 2 weeks time if there's still no change. But the main message was just to keep ensuring she ate whatever.

In the meantime I've tried some kitten milk but she sniffed it a bit and just left it :(
Eats the chicken though so I give it to her as snacks between mealtimes. Is kitten milk meant to be like pinky coloured? It's not white but slightly pink


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 12, 2013
Germany, NRW
She is female, he is a male - more likely than not, she will be smaller anyway than the other kitten. Is he her brother? At 12 weeks (the age when most of my foster kittens go to their new homes) there is often a considerable difference between the weights of the males and the females from the same litter. Sometimes by a factor of 2! Of course, there are exceptions to every rule but, you are doing the right thing by feeding her separately and giving her all the time she needs to eat what she likes.
I think the 2 weeks will go by pretty quickly and - although she may not gain much in weight, at least you will have the chance to get her checked by a vet to put your mind at rest.

I have never found kitten milk that is slightly pink - it tends to be bluish here in Germany. Not all cats will drink it.
Good luck with your kittens!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Since she is a British Shorthhair, did you get her from a breeder? If so, have you contacted the breeder to ask about what they fed her, if she was a picky eater, etc. If she only weighed 1.1 kg at 12 weeks, assuming that's when you adopted her, maybe they know something about that. Like the size of her parents. But you are right in that she shouldn't be too petite, although per Google, the adult female can range from 3.2 to 5.4 kg. And there's the rub, I can't figure out why your Vet would think both cats should weight the same, unless your male is younger. They certainly shouldn't weight the same as adults. You did see where I mentioned that I have two males and their weight difference is 5 pounds and they are both the perfect weight for their body structure? And they are the same age. Well, one is one day older :wink:

Oh, BTW, not sure on that KMR. Guess it's a moot point though,if she doesn't like it. BTW, if you are feeding her just plain chicken, don't let it be too much of her intake. It's not 100% nutritionally complete, and kittens need their calcium, etc to grow nice and strong. You don't have to stick with kitten wet food though. Any food that says "all stages" should be fine, and you can look for food high in calories. Just keep looking for different flavors AND textures.


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
Just gave them a ring and spoke briefly to one of the assistants. They aren't too worried currently but they said she was underweight and should be the same weight as my other kitten. I was told to feed her more regularly and the vets will see her in 2 weeks time if there's still no change. But the main message was just to keep ensuring she ate whatever.

In the meantime I've tried some kitten milk but she sniffed it a bit and just left it :(
Eats the chicken though so I give it to her as snacks between mealtimes. Is kitten milk meant to be like pinky coloured? It's not white but slightly pink

One thing that helps me get some calories into a cat/kitten is to heat up some lactose-free whole milk. Would she go for a good can of tuna?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 15, 2020
Since she is a British Shorthhair, did you get her from a breeder? If so, have you contacted the breeder to ask about what they fed her, if she was a picky eater, etc. If she only weighed 1.1 kg at 12 weeks, assuming that's when you adopted her, maybe they know something about that. Like the size of her parents. But you are right in that she shouldn't be too petite, although per Google, the adult female can range from 3.2 to 5.4 kg. And there's the rub, I can't figure out why your Vet would think both cats should weight the same, unless your male is younger. They certainly shouldn't weight the same as adults. You did see where I mentioned that I have two males and their weight difference is 5 pounds and they are both the perfect weight for their body structure? And they are the same age. Well, one is one day older :wink:

Oh, BTW, not sure on that KMR. Guess it's a moot point though,if she doesn't like it. BTW, if you are feeding her just plain chicken, don't let it be too much of her intake. It's not 100% nutritionally complete, and kittens need their calcium, etc to grow nice and strong. You don't have to stick with kitten wet food though. Any food that says "all stages" should be fine, and you can look for food high in calories. Just keep looking for different flavors AND textures.
She was from an accidental litter near us we weren't planning on getting her originally but we decided to take her on as a playmate for our original kitten. No regrets she's beautiful and makes me laugh with her antics. She was free fed on some dry food which I got a sample if but after tasting wet food she's not keen on it. The male is roughly a week younger which is why I think the vets said that.

Her mother was very chunky sort of typical BSH but I haven't seen the father. I've boiled some chicken thighs and duck fillets (no bones) and I just hide a few bits with her wet food so it's like SUPRISE! And I give it as a sort if reward as well if she clears her bowl. But yes I've had dogs for a bit and I'm aware that whilst human meat is delicious it's only to be used as treats.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 15, 2020
One thing that helps me get some calories into a cat/kitten is to heat up some lactose-free whole milk. Would she go for a good can of tuna?
I'm just a little wary on giving them lactose free human milk I guess. I don't want to even slight the chance of an upset stomach and she won't even touch kitten milk :( Yes she will go for some tuna based complementary food and sardines. But I'm conscious about giving too much fish and she's quite unpredictable. She really enjoyed sardines yesterday but today she won't even lick them. So who knows...I feel like I'm setting her up for picky eating habits as an adult and once she can maintain a decent weight I'll stop pandering as much as I do currently. Just want her to get any sort of food in her right now
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TCS Member
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Jun 15, 2020
From my observations, I don't think she's super selective with food she won't touch turkey or rabbit but apart from that she will eat it. But it's more she'll act hungry and get excited and run for the food bowl but will only nibble a bit and then walk off and not come back to it. She'll be fine on beef for breakfast and lunch and then come dinner she won't even glance at it. So then I try something like tuna she will eat. Next day won't be so keen on tuna. So it's an unpredictable cycle. She's a real nibbler and if I let her graze and free feed until she puts on weight I would but that is impossible with the other monster gobbler stalking the food bowl. Today I managed to feed her ~150g which is almost her daily requirement of 200g. Which is our current best. She before wouldn't even eat about 100g. So progress!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
From my observations, I don't think she's super selective with food she won't touch turkey or rabbit but apart from that she will eat it. But it's more she'll act hungry and get excited and run for the food bowl but will only nibble a bit and then walk off and not come back to it. I HAVE ONE LIKE THAT. I HAVE TO REMIND HIM HE'S STILL GOT FOOD. ONCE I DO THAT, HE OFTEN COMES BACK AND FINISHES, OR AT LEAST EATS MORE. She'll be fine on beef for breakfast and lunch and then come dinner she won't even glance at it. So then I try something like tuna she will eat. Next day won't be so keen on tuna. MY OTHER CAT IS LIKE THAT. I CAN'T SERVE THE SAME FOOD TWICE IN A ROW. SO I HAVE TO HAVE MANY FOODS IN ROTATION FOR HIM. Today I managed to feed her ~150g which is almost her daily requirement of 200g. Which is our current best. FANTASTIC!! :cheerleader:
see my responses above in bolded reddish.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2014
Kittens if fed meals usually need 4-5 meals a day. Especially if they prefer small meals only. I had lots of picky kitties so had a lot of different brands/flavors and rotated daily. You will want to heat up any refrigerated food as well as the coldness most don't like. All my kitties were picky as all hell to, especially Jethro and Fynn. They refused any dry. I switched to premade raw and they ate it happily. They still prefer their raw, though Fynn is picky again with certain brands of raw. You wanna switch to a balanced raw if you wanna go the raw route though, its very important for kitten growth. Oh and make sure they are both fixed soon if they are not. At 4 months old kittens can start breeding. And hopefully the owner fixed her cat.. The litter may not have been planned, but if you have an unfixed cat, her getting pregnant is no accident.. Cats are designed to breed. Thats why they can get pregnant at 4-5 months old, and females can be forcibly bred to go into heat to. But yes try to have tons of different high quality brands and rotate. Kittens can be so picky.