16 month old kitten had FUO two days ago, I am so scared she will got a FIP


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 6, 2013
I'm a bit confused, but I suppose we are talking about FIP and not FIV?

FIP is extremely hard to diagnose, and usually can only be said with certainty after an autopsy (Which we will hope won't get that far in this case). I am no vet, but I have seen cats with FIP before, so I hope I can help you a little. The only symptom your cat currently has is a fever with no obvious reason, correct? Is she at all lethargic, not eating, seems to have a swollen stomach, has difficulty breating or other symptoms? Is she well grown for her age, or is she small? You mentioned she's been weak since the start, how weak are we talking about?

Also, have you kept track of her weight? Is it still going up? Is it standing still? Has she lost weight? This is all information that can help, also with the vet. So if you have it, make sure to share it with them.

Try to not think about the worse just yet. You are only worrying and it might be for nothing. Worry when you know more, and until then keep it easy and enjoy spending time with your little kitten. For all we know it might just be some small hidden inflammation (which causes a fever) that's just being annoying ;) Keep a good eye on her and try visiting multiple vets if you can to get a good diagnosis. More vets do see more than one, of course. But until you know what it is, try to not think about FIP.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
@Tsui Jinglei  how are things going?

Please don't feel guilty, you have spent alot of money, and we all run out of money at some point. It doesn't mean you don't love her or want her to have all the treatments and test there are to find out what is wrong with her.

$5,000 is ALOT of money, not sure why your bill is so high trying to find cause for her fevers. But regardless, you are a wonderful, loving pet owner, and are doing the best you possibly can.

She knows how you love her.

I have to admit, I am worried. By now she should be responding to antibiotics, 6 days is a good amount of time.

With that, your saying she has always been weak, and the vets finding nothing else wrong with her by now makes me worry it might be fip.

I really hope it's not.

FIP is just awful, it is silent until a cat's body has acquired enough damage to finally cause symptoms to surface.

I am hoping with everything I have it is not fip.

Sending lots of positive vibes for you and your kitty.  

Please let us know how she is doing.

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  • #23

tsui jinglei

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Dec 6, 2014
Hey stephanietx:

My friend's cat is very healthy but I know he doesn't get her vaccine up to date. that cat is only 5 months old and eating like a pig everyday. Thank you for your advice. Every time I saw your respond make me feel better!! 
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  • #24

tsui jinglei

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014
I have been reading this thread and my heart just goes out to you and your kitten.  Did any of the vets or hospital do an ultrasound?  I am in a similar situation, but they are pretty sure my 8 month old kitten DOES have FIP.  She started out the same way with our 8 month old kitten. She went from very energetic playful to sleeping and not wanting to eat.  Went to the vet and her temperature was about 105,  Vet did blood test and Xray and found something with elevated liver something. Did the titer test and came back positive for Corona Virus. Did an Eliza test which came back negative. Then she suggested we do an ultrasound and that showed up some fluid in her abdomen which they analyzed and came back 3 things it could be, I think IBD, cancer, or FIP.  Given all the other things, they figure FIP. Why does your vet think your kitten does not have FIP?  I sincerely hope and pray that it isn't that, and that they can find the cause and that it's something very easy to cure.
Hey Misty8723!

I know that cat with FIP still could be recovered!! Don't give up or send her to the other side until you try everything. And I know that there are plenty of cat who is not FIP but diagnosed mistakenly as FIP!! 

My cat is still with unknown fever and unknown reason, because her blood test is all normal, her ultrasound is all normal. She also have a positive corona test, but my vet told me that means nothing.90% of cats in US was exposed to corona. She is very energetic these days, she is eating well, drinking well. The only symptom she has right now is a fluctuate fever.

Does your cat also have a fluctuate fever? My cat's fever goes from normal(101) to high(103-104) than back to normal in several days already. 
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  • #25

tsui jinglei

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014
Has she had the test for coronavirus antibodies present?

I always fear when vets are unable to find the cause of a fever or the fever is not responding to antibiotics.

There is no sure way to diagnose fip.

However there are 3 things that might indicate fip.
  1. The cat has a low number of lymphocytes in blood test.
  2. The cat has a positive FCoV test result, which alone simply means the cat HAS in fact contracted the coronavirus.
  3. The cat has elevated globulins in his blood test. When these 3 things show up in a cat, it is likely to be fip.
FIP can affect a cat of 16 months, yes. But not so commonly.

If your cat was 8 months old I would think fip easier than at 16 months, but like I said, it does happen, just not much.

I hope not, but the unexplained fever is confusing.
Hey catwomen707:

Thank you for tracking my cat's situation!! I didn't sleep for 3 days already so I just had some nap.

We did the FCoV test and it is positive. 

There are nothing abnormal in her blood test, nothing wrong with her lymphocytes, globulins.

What's wield is she gained her weight from 8.8lb to 8.95lb, she is eating well and drinking well. She is purring well..

My vet told me everyone in vet hospital started to like her now. She wants attention from everyone walk by her. But still, she has a fluctuate fever from 101 to 104. 

I did another bunch of test again today, they told me they will call me tomorrow morning.

After my cat's illness, I saw a lot of people lost their cats due to FIP. 

Fighting against FIP is my life goal now. I believe finding the resolve of FIP is not a big deal compare with a lot of human disease. But since there is not many people really care of this disease, we still do not have the solution. I will study hard for my cat.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Hey catwomen707:

Thank you for tracking my cat's situation!! I didn't sleep for 3 days already so I just had some nap.

We did the FCoV test and it is positive. 

There are nothing abnormal in her blood test, nothing wrong with her lymphocytes, globulins.

What's wield is she gained her weight from 8.8lb to 8.95lb, she is eating well and drinking well. She is purring well..

My vet told me everyone in vet hospital started to like her now. She wants attention from everyone walk by her. But still, she has a fluctuate fever from 101 to 104. 

I did another bunch of test again today, they told me they will call me tomorrow morning.

After my cat's illness, I saw a lot of people lost their cats due to FIP. 

Fighting against FIP is my life goal now. I believe finding the resolve of FIP is not a big deal compare with a lot of human disease. But since there is not many people really care of this disease, we still do not have the solution. I will study hard for my cat.
Hi Tsui,  You sound much better after some much needed rest.

At the time you first took her to the vet and she was weighed, she was not eating, so getting her to eat will cause the slight weight gain she has had. 

Early on with fip cases, especially the dry form, the blood tests will come back looking normal, because it has not been damaging your cats system long enough to effect her blood results. The dry form is slower acting over the wet form.

Your comments about fighting against fip is your life goal now, really affected my heart.

I KNOW, you will do anything in your power to make your little girl survive this. I think if you were able to talk to others who have lost their cat to fip would say the same thing, because it is so frustrating, with terrible outcomes, and you feel helpless.

But I have to tell you, there are countless experts and scientists who continue to understand this illness, for many, many years. It's like finding a cure for cancer, if they could figure out what causes cells to change, they could find a cure. Same as with fip, they can not find the cause of why some cats who get coronavirus are not able to get rid of it and it mutates into fip.

It is not because they don't care or are not trying.

I recently attended a U.C. Davis medical all weekend conference on feline health, and Dr. Niels Pederson who has been studying fip for many years discussed this illness and how complicated and mysterious it is. There are many experts who have made it their life's mission to find a cure, it would make them famous! But so far, they still do not know anymore than they do at this time.

The only cats who have survived fip are those who were misdiagnosed and never had it to begin with.

I'm very sorry that I am always the person to be more negative. I only want you to fully understand it, and I would not want to give you false hopes.

This does not mean it IS definitely fip, but the longer the unexplained fever goes on, the more I think it is fip. Of course I REALLY hope it is not!!! 

But if you understand that it just might be fip, then think of how happy and relived you will be if they find out it is something else!!

Please, please try to prepare yourself in case it is.  
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  • #27

tsui jinglei

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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014
Thank you catwomen0707:

  We took her home yesterday. She has a normal temperature right now. I think she is better than a week ago. I can't say she is fully recovered from it, but she is eating and drinking well these two days. She has a steady temp around 100 for these two days. 

 We started to feed her all meat baby food without onion powder and garlic or salt. The food she used to have: Hills z/d is not good for her recovery.

She likes the baby food. She eat a lot these two days.

 To be honest. I am still worried about her. FUO is not a normal thing for cat, and she got FUO for almost two weeks. I do know some cat got FIP after they recovered from FUO.

Thank you for the words about FIP. I do realized how difficult it could be to find a cure for it. But I believe impossible is nothing. I am 21 years old, I have time for it.
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  • #28

tsui jinglei

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014
I'm a bit confused, but I suppose we are talking about FIP and not FIV?

FIP is extremely hard to diagnose, and usually can only be said with certainty after an autopsy (Which we will hope won't get that far in this case). I am no vet, but I have seen cats with FIP before, so I hope I can help you a little. The only symptom your cat currently has is a fever with no obvious reason, correct? Is she at all lethargic, not eating, seems to have a swollen stomach, has difficulty breating or other symptoms? Is she well grown for her age, or is she small? You mentioned she's been weak since the start, how weak are we talking about?

Also, have you kept track of her weight? Is it still going up? Is it standing still? Has she lost weight? This is all information that can help, also with the vet. So if you have it, make sure to share it with them.

Try to not think about the worse just yet. You are only worrying and it might be for nothing. Worry when you know more, and until then keep it easy and enjoy spending time with your little kitten. For all we know it might just be some small hidden inflammation (which causes a fever) that's just being annoying ;) Keep a good eye on her and try visiting multiple vets if you can to get a good diagnosis. More vets do see more than one, of course. But until you know what it is, try to not think about FIP.
Thank you Biancavd:

I am sorry for your confusing. We are talking about FIP. She didn't lost her weight, actually she gained 0.25lb during her fever days.

She is not really small for her age, she is 18 months old and 8.5lb. I think it should be a normal weight for cat in her age?

She got spayed for twice, and that is why I said she has been weak since the start. She recovered from the surgery for two times.

She is eating and drinking well so far! I hope she is going to be okay for her next 20 years long life!!!I really hope so!


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Thank you catwomen0707:

  We took her home yesterday. She has a normal temperature right now. I think she is better than a week ago. I can't say she is fully recovered from it, but she is eating and drinking well these two days. She has a steady temp around 100 for these two days. 

 We started to feed her all meat baby food without onion powder and garlic or salt. The food she used to have: Hills z/d is not good for her recovery.

She likes the baby food. She eat a lot these two days.

 To be honest. I am still worried about her. FUO is not a normal thing for cat, and she got FUO for almost two weeks. I do know some cat got FIP after they recovered from FUO.

Thank you for the words about FIP. I do realized how difficult it could be to find a cure for it. But I believe impossible is nothing. I am 21 years old, I have time for it.
I admire your enthusiasm! To believe nothing is impossible is a wonderful way to be.

Just keep your feet on the ground and you will do great :)

Glad she loves the baby food, most cats do and will eat this when they won't eat anything else, so good she is eating.

2 weeks of fever is a big deal as you know. With fip fever, it will come and go. One day at a time right now is about all you can do at this point, I'm happy to know she is home with you :)
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  • #30

tsui jinglei

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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014
I admire your enthusiasm! To believe nothing is impossible is a wonderful way to be.

Just keep your feet on the ground and you will do great :)

Glad she loves the baby food, most cats do and will eat this when they won't eat anything else, so good she is eating.

2 weeks of fever is a big deal as you know. With fip fever, it will come and go. One day at a time right now is about all you can do at this point, I'm happy to know she is home with you :)
It has been the first time for her to get out of the fever for more than two day since last week. This morning she has a 102.1 degree.  Eating well and drinking well!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Hey Misty8723!

I know that cat with FIP still could be recovered!! Don't give up or send her to the other side until you try everything. And I know that there are plenty of cat who is not FIP but diagnosed mistakenly as FIP!! 

My cat is still with unknown fever and unknown reason, because her blood test is all normal, her ultrasound is all normal. She also have a positive corona test, but my vet told me that means nothing.90% of cats in US was exposed to corona. She is very energetic these days, she is eating well, drinking well. The only symptom she has right now is a fluctuate fever.

Does your cat also have a fluctuate fever? My cat's fever goes from normal(101) to high(103-104) than back to normal in several days already. 
Hey Tsui Jinglei

I'm so glad to hear your kitty is doing well, and I hope she continues to improve!

Unfortunately for Darcy, she is not, but she had issues in her blood test and issues in her ultrasound, and all of it points to FIP. Right now she has some good times, and some not so good times. She's eating a little and we are syringe feeing her.  Last night was up with us, kneading on the blanket and purring away. Today she is just loafing on the chair.  We have accepted that she will not be with us long and are trying to make every day good for her, as good as can be. We are in no hurry to send her to the other side.  Our cat who had cancer, we allowed her to pass her on her terms, with pain medicine to help her out. She got to be in her home, on her favorite blanket, with her family with her until the end.  I don't know if we will have that luxury with Darcy because of the horrible things I hear about FIP, but as long as she is alert and having some good times, she will be with us.

I admire your goal to find a cure for FIP. You will be a hero if you can, and still a hero if you are just trying.  It is a horrible thing and no kitten should have to suffer.
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  • #33

tsui jinglei

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014
Hey Tsui Jinglei

I'm so glad to hear your kitty is doing well, and I hope she continues to improve!

Unfortunately for Darcy, she is not, but she had issues in her blood test and issues in her ultrasound, and all of it points to FIP. Right now she has some good times, and some not so good times. She's eating a little and we are syringe feeing her.  Last night was up with us, kneading on the blanket and purring away. Today she is just loafing on the chair.  We have accepted that she will not be with us long and are trying to make every day good for her, as good as can be. We are in no hurry to send her to the other side.  Our cat who had cancer, we allowed her to pass her on her terms, with pain medicine to help her out. She got to be in her home, on her favorite blanket, with her family with her until the end.  I don't know if we will have that luxury with Darcy because of the horrible things I hear about FIP, but as long as she is alert and having some good times, she will be with us.

I admire your goal to find a cure for FIP. You will be a hero if you can, and still a hero if you are just trying.  It is a horrible thing and no kitten should have to suffer.
Did you try to feed Darcy baby food? I bought Beechnut chicken and turkey for my little cat, and she likes it!!Highly recommend. if you are going to feed her baby food, you need to feed her all meat food, I chose beechnut because there is no onion powder and garlic in it, no slat either. I can't promised Gerber baby food is salt free, but I called Beechnut and they told me their baby food is salt free.

You said one of your cat had cancer, now Darcy has FIP, they are both caused by a weak immune system, maybe some high protein food will help you in the future. I have three cats at home, I used to feed them commercial food, like Hill's. The result is they randomly got sick. However, one of my friends recommended me to feed them raw meat, high quality meat one years ago. I didn't follow her advice cuz it gonna be very expensive. Her cats is always healthy with raw food, but my cats always have problems.

Now after my little cat's sickness, I am started to buy raw meat for them. I know it will cost a lot, but I will try to save these money from my other expense. 

During the illness of my little cat, I really found how small human could be, I hate to be small, and I have to do something for my cats.I am also glad there are so many people treat cat like their own baby. 
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  • #34

tsui jinglei

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014
Hey Tsui Jinglei

I'm so glad to hear your kitty is doing well, and I hope she continues to improve!

Unfortunately for Darcy, she is not, but she had issues in her blood test and issues in her ultrasound, and all of it points to FIP. Right now she has some good times, and some not so good times. She's eating a little and we are syringe feeing her.  Last night was up with us, kneading on the blanket and purring away. Today she is just loafing on the chair.  We have accepted that she will not be with us long and are trying to make every day good for her, as good as can be. We are in no hurry to send her to the other side.  Our cat who had cancer, we allowed her to pass her on her terms, with pain medicine to help her out. She got to be in her home, on her favorite blanket, with her family with her until the end.  I don't know if we will have that luxury with Darcy because of the horrible things I hear about FIP, but as long as she is alert and having some good times, she will be with us.

I admire your goal to find a cure for FIP. You will be a hero if you can, and still a hero if you are just trying.  It is a horrible thing and no kitten should have to suffer.
i read your thread just now. I know you have already tried baby food now. Sorry I didn't read your story before I reply.

Did the fluid in her abdo getting bigger? If not, it still could be something else. Fluid in FIP is the free fluid, not the normal fluid in their organs. And I think if it is possible, you could see another vet, I got totally different result from two different vet. 
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  • #35

tsui jinglei

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014
Hey Tsui Jinglei

I'm so glad to hear your kitty is doing well, and I hope she continues to improve!

Unfortunately for Darcy, she is not, but she had issues in her blood test and issues in her ultrasound, and all of it points to FIP. Right now she has some good times, and some not so good times. She's eating a little and we are syringe feeing her.  Last night was up with us, kneading on the blanket and purring away. Today she is just loafing on the chair.  We have accepted that she will not be with us long and are trying to make every day good for her, as good as can be. We are in no hurry to send her to the other side.  Our cat who had cancer, we allowed her to pass her on her terms, with pain medicine to help her out. She got to be in her home, on her favorite blanket, with her family with her until the end.  I don't know if we will have that luxury with Darcy because of the horrible things I hear about FIP, but as long as she is alert and having some good times, she will be with us.

I admire your goal to find a cure for FIP. You will be a hero if you can, and still a hero if you are just trying.  It is a horrible thing and no kitten should have to suffer.
After I read all your thread, I am concerning about Darcy so much.

I am wondering if she still have a fever these days?

Since you also said it is not a normal FIP, i think there still have a chance that they misdiagnosed Darcy's illness. What your vet told you is exactly what the young and unexperienced vet told me. But after I took her to the specialist, they told me it is unlikely to be FIP.

Try one more time my friend. Just one more time! Try another vet maybe you will have a different answer!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
i read your thread just now. I know you have already tried baby food now. Sorry I didn't read your story before I reply.

Did the fluid in her abdo getting bigger? If not, it still could be something else. Fluid in FIP is the free fluid, not the normal fluid in their organs. And I think if it is possible, you could see another vet, I got totally different result from two different vet. 
Thank you.  We just took her records of her tests to a second vet, without taking her there too.  She doesn't look bloated with fluid, but I don't know.  When the vet first told us about the fluid in her abdomen, she said it didn't look the same as FIP. But I saw the fluid, and it was yellow like they say FIP. And she said it was coagulating on the bottom of the tube like FIP. The analysis of the fluid came back 3 possible things, cancer (no other sign of that), IBD (no other sign of that), FIP (several other signs of that).  Just a few minutes ago she threw up.  The vet said as for FIP, she was not sure of anything, there is so little known and she doesn't have a lot of experience with FIP. But she consulted with others, and there doesn't seem to be anything else it could be. I don't know what other tests they could do, and they wouldn't know for sure if it was FIP unless they do the necropsy.  This is a horrible disease and no kitten should have to go through this.  We will see what the other vet tells us, it's the vet who works with the shelter where we got Darcy.
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  • #37

tsui jinglei

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014
Thank you.  We just took her records of her tests to a second vet, without taking her there too.  She doesn't look bloated with fluid, but I don't know.  When the vet first told us about the fluid in her abdomen, she said it didn't look the same as FIP. But I saw the fluid, and it was yellow like they say FIP. And she said it was coagulating on the bottom of the tube like FIP. The analysis of the fluid came back 3 possible things, cancer (no other sign of that), IBD (no other sign of that), FIP (several other signs of that).  Just a few minutes ago she threw up.  The vet said as for FIP, she was not sure of anything, there is so little known and she doesn't have a lot of experience with FIP. But she consulted with others, and there doesn't seem to be anything else it could be. I don't know what other tests they could do, and they wouldn't know for sure if it was FIP unless they do the necropsy.  This is a horrible disease and no kitten should have to go through this.  We will see what the other vet tells us, it's the vet who works with the shelter where we got Darcy.
Is your cat still in a fever? 
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  • #38

tsui jinglei

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014

My little baby is not in fever since Friday and now is Sunday night.

She still sleep a lot, eat normal. But she used to play a lot and eat like a pig, I think she still not fully recovered from it.

I hope she will be fully recovered from whatever she had. 

Oh my god I really hope when I get up tomorrow she is jumping and scratching my face.
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  • #39

tsui jinglei

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014
A fever again. And my final week started today. ..