15 year old with dry skin and missing fur


TCS Member
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Jan 8, 2017
I have been trying to bath her in dandruff shampoo I got for cats at the pet store but her dry skin is getting worse. She is an indoor cat. I increased her water. She now has two water bowls so I am sure she get plenty of water. I change her food everytime I buy food. We live in Florida so it is not dry out. My other cat doesnt have these issues but he is only 3. He does bite my other cat right where she is losing fur and has dry skin. I have been using a squirt bottle to help with that behavior but I wander if he is trying to say something. We don't have the money to take her to the vet. She is perfectly fine other wise. If there is anything that could help her I would appreciate it.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
This kind of hair loss might well have a medical root, especially given her age. You really do need to find a way to take her to the vet for a thorough physical.

Having said that, your comment that you "change her food every time [you] buy food" concerns me. Even if free feeding kibble, the food should be changed (and the bowl washed) at least once a day. To avoid wastage, measure a day's portion out rather than just free-pouring into the bowl. That will give you a better sense of how much food is being eaten too ;) One of the biggest issues when free feeding more than one cat is that it is almost impossible to know how much each cat is eating - something very important when dealing with health issues. Timed (ideally supervised) meals tend to work better in multi-cat households, as that gives you a much better picture of how each individual ias doing :) Wet food shouldn't be left out all day anyway, as it will spoil.

A squirt bottle really isn'ta good 'training' method for cats- the most likely outcome is the that the cat will become scared of you - they simply don't associate their action with the consequence...especially as it's almost impossible to spray them as they're performing the unwanted behaviour. The situation is only made worse when that behaviour is connected to another cat - you're just as likely to hit the 'victim' as the tormentor, and you certainly don't want to do that. A much better solution is distraction - clap your hands to get your boy's attention, and tell him 'no' firmly but calmly. Cats can certainly learn this way - I know mine always have :)

I hope that you're able to get to the bottom of your girl's skin problems soon, and that her fur grows back quickly:vibes: [article="30138"][/article][article="31683"][/article][article="32915"][/article][article="29706"][/article][article="30987"][/article][article="31129"][/article][article="32493"][/article][article="29678"][/article]
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TCS Member
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Jan 8, 2017
I clean there food bowls out and always dump the food they dont eat in with new food so they always have new food. I meant I buy a different kind of good everytime they need food so it couldnt be a food allergy. I have tired clapping and saying no he refuses to listen. He will look at me then go right back to what he was doing. He is learning so far and isn't afraid of me. He is a scaredy cat but as long as he doesnt see with water bottle i use to spray him he has no issues. I wish I could find a away to take her. She is my best friend and this really worries me but we are just in a bad situation right now.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
If possible, I would add some wet food to her diet.  Most likely, the problem is related to diet and age.  We give our kitties an Omega 3 supplement which helps as well as evening primrose oil to help with fur and skin.  However, at her age, she needs to get to the vet for a check up and a senior panel blood work just to make sure nothing medically is causing the problem.