11 Yr Old Tabby - Difficulty Walking And Won't Eat.


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 23, 2017
Hello Everyone. I need some advice!

We have an 11-year-old cat that up until May 9th was happy, healthy and playful. On the morning of May 9th, he attempted to jump onto a small counter, miscalculated and fell about 2 feet onto his left side/hip. My son witnessed the fall and he said that he hit the floor hard. For the next few days he was absolutely fine with no change in behavior but on Friday we started to notice that he would not partake in his normal family time which includes playing with the kids and curling up on my lap for his evening nap. Over the next few days his condition worsened and we noticed a significant decrease in his desire to eat, drink or even move. We got him to the vet right away and got x-rays and a checkup. Nothing showed up on the x-rays, the vets checked all his vertebrae, hips, legs, ribs and jaw. Range of motion was very good and not noticeable signs of fracture or broken bones. They identified some gas in his intestines and constipation. On Tuesday, May 16th we brought him back to the vet and they performed an enema and gave subcutaneous fluids. He had a bowel evacuation at that time and seemed to feel a bit better, including giving himself a nice long bath. By Thursday of last week, he was back to not eating, drinking and he wouldn’t even move – complete lethargy. We rushed him to the vet again for a CBC, and 2 other blood tests – all were normal. It was at that time that he was syringe fed, given an antibiotic shot and an anti-inflammatory shot. By the time we got home he was trying to get out of his travel cage, he was alert and attentive and what seems to be a positive step, he was back to eating, drinking and his family time and lap time!! The anti-inflammatory worked great. Well, that only lasted one day, with things going downhill fast at this point. Over the weekend he was prescribed an appetite stimulant and buprenorphine. Neither of these seem to work as well as the anti-inflammatory. What scared me the most was last night after being syringe fed – because he gags at any food we put in front of him – he tried to walk away and his hips and legs seems weak and almost lifeless. The poor lil guy stumbled for 5-7 feet and proceeded to lay down under the table for the next 15 hrs. I have no idea what to do here. I can only think that this had something to do with the fall but it pains me to see him suffering.

Any suggestions, ideas or comments are welcome. We will do anything to get our 11 yr. old kitty feeling better. Thanks in advance for your help.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I am so sorry it is heartbreaking when we don't know what is happening with our fur babies.

I am truly stumped and wish I could offer more. Some random thoughts.... I would wonder if the fall was a symptom of whatever is going on instead of the cause. Maybe X-rays higher up the back (damage higher on the spine causing the difficulty moving and that leads to less eating and fatigue)? Maybe something neurological? An MRI might tell you more but they are also more expensive. Were the blood tests basic or checking for the random off the wall stuff?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 23, 2017
I am so sorry it is heartbreaking when we don't know what is happening with our fur babies.

I am truly stumped and wish I could offer more. Some random thoughts.... I would wonder if the fall was a symptom of whatever is going on instead of the cause. Maybe X-rays higher up the back (damage higher on the spine causing the difficulty moving and that leads to less eating and fatigue)? Maybe something neurological? An MRI might tell you more but they are also more expensive. Were the blood tests basic or checking for the random off the wall stuff?
Hi Kieka and thank you for the reply. The blood test were basic CBC and two others that I don't have in front of me. As for the x-ray - they did his hips and all the way up his spine. They have suggested a chiropractic treatment but I have never heard of that for a cat. Do you know what an MRI would cost and have you every heard of chiropractic treatments being useful? Thanks again.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I have heard of people having good results with chiropractic treatments. They aren't probably thinking along the lines of a pinched nerve and that would help release the nerve. If you have a reliable specialists in it area it would be worth a shot to do a consult. Make sure you have a copy of his X-rays.

MRIs are in the $1500-2000 range around here depending on location and the center.

In your place I would probably do the chiropractic. If that doesn't help then consult with a spinal specialist or neurological. Ask about the possibly of the MRI.

It seems like it is either a spinal issue or neurological issue.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 31, 2015
New Jersey
Chiropractic can definitely help. Attila hurt his back in a similar fashion and chiropractic resolved the issue. Make sure you choose a qualified chiropractor.