101 Feline Home Hazards


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 14, 2023
I’ve been wanting to add something here for a couple of weeks but not sure if I’m just looking for connections where there are none.
On october 8th 2022 my boy was diagnosed with intestinal lymphoma, organ involvement meant it was terminal, he was given a prognosis of 3 months, we lost him on Feb 8th 2023 I was and am still floored by his passing.
On April 6th 2023 my girl was diagnosed with an unknown type of tumour near or on her carotid artery. It is inoperable, therefore terminal, we don’t have a prognosis, but it is growing at some speed.
My boy was 14 and my girl is 13 and so she is a factor, however I’m either extremely unlucky or the one thing that has changed in our lives this past year is to blame. We began construction of an extension on the house on March 14th 2023. It didn’t fully complete until October time. It was sectioned off from the house for the most part but my gosh it was dusty.
I don’t know if I’m seeing correlation where there isn’t any but I know if I ever undertook major works again, I’d move out.
It has concerned me enough that both my husband and I have booked ourselves in for health checks.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 27, 2023
The actual chargers or the cords?
Cords. Specifically the cord on the laptop end of the brick. It used to be both cats. Now its just the girl. I tried cord protectors and they still managed to get through them. They seem to view the laptop as their enemy and are hellbent on taking it out so I have nothing to do but play worm toy with them 24/7.

Purrfect Meow

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2023
I tied a little toy mice filled with catnip to mine. My cat stopped chewing on the cord, but keeps pulling out the cord. Darn laptop never gets charged anymore. But the cord is OK. ;)

Purrfect Meow

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2023
One of mine like elastic bands. She will seek them out, hold them with her paw and teeth and let them fly. Sometimes they wack her and sometimes they go flying. Of course if I see this the band is taken away out of fear.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 21, 2023
We call YanYan the “plastic chewer”, “choclate licker” and “pill licker” because she has tried to so many methods of ending up at the vet 😂

  1. Plastic chewer, will chew on any edges of wrapping or tape she can get her mouth around
  2. Chocolate licker, she never jumped on tables and counters or showed interest in human food until my sis-in-law gave us a chocolate cake. We left it on the stove for 5 mins and then heard furious ”LAPLAPLAP” sounds….spent an hour googling “how much chocolate frosting will harm a cat”
  3. Pill licker, my husband and I always take medication and supplements before bed and we put them in a small bowl then get a cup of water. We left it unguarded for a few seconds (because why would a cat WANT to eat a pill) came back and she had covertly enjoyed my husband’s boron pill then ran away. Thankfully it was low enough concentration that it didn’t harm her but we always remind each other not to leave the bowls anywhere near where the cats can reach and go “don’t forget the pill licker is around”.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
We call YanYan the “plastic chewer”, “choclate licker” and “pill licker” because she has tried to so many methods of ending up at the vet 😂

  1. Plastic chewer, will chew on any edges of wrapping or tape she can get her mouth around
  2. Chocolate licker, she never jumped on tables and counters or showed interest in human food until my sis-in-law gave us a chocolate cake. We left it on the stove for 5 mins and then heard furious ”LAPLAPLAP” sounds….spent an hour googling “how much chocolate frosting will harm a cat”
  3. Pill licker, my husband and I always take medication and supplements before bed and we put them in a small bowl then get a cup of water. We left it unguarded for a few seconds (because why would a cat WANT to eat a pill) came back and she had covertly enjoyed my husband’s boron pill then ran away. Thankfully it was low enough concentration that it didn’t harm her but we always remind each other not to leave the bowls anywhere near where the cats can reach and go “don’t forget the pill licker is around”.
My cats got into a little dish I had some collagen tablets in and ate them. I contacted the vet and the company and both said they would be fine, but it did make me realize if they'll eat those, they'd probably eat other types of prescription pills as well.


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
Indy once ate a flourish tab that fell on the floor. I don't think it really did anything to her though aside from give her the runs. They do kinda look like cat treats though. But they are fertalizer for aquatic plants.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 27, 2023
My boy cat. The aptly named Mr. Bear has developed a penchant for packing materials. He is a very special boy. Very. Special.

He will go into the trash and try to fish them out. So I have to have lidded trash containers or trash containers someplace he can't get to them. His mother must have carried him around by the neck too much.