10 Week Old Kitten Wont Stop Peeing The Bed


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 15, 2018
We got our kitten last week and he's been getting better everyday BUT he still will pee or poo on our beds. We have two litter boxes for him - one in the living room and one right by our bedroom doors (which he uses often!) but he still goes on our beds! While we're in them too! He also has a weird habit of sometimes peeing on plastic bags on the floor.
We don't know what to do anymore, we basically always lock him out of the rooms but feel bad if we want to stay in our rooms and he's kept out of them.
We use unscented clumping litter. And try to clean his box often since he fills it up fast.
Please help I've done laundry so many times already!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! Can you move that one by the door closer to the bed, or maybe better, add one closer to the bed? Try just a puppy pee pad in it since he seems to like soft materials. Also, until things get squared away, try putting a couple (taped together) plastic shower curtains over the bed(s). That won't necessarily stop him since he likes plastic bags but at least you won't have to wash as often :).
Oh, by the way, keep an eye out for if he starts eating that litter - kittens do sometimes, and it causes stomach problems.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 22, 2018
Tallahassee, Florida
We got our kitten last week and he's been getting better everyday BUT he still will pee or poo on our beds. We have two litter boxes for him - one in the living room and one right by our bedroom doors (which he uses often!) but he still goes on our beds! While we're in them too! He also has a weird habit of sometimes peeing on plastic bags on the floor.
We don't know what to do anymore, we basically always lock him out of the rooms but feel bad if we want to stay in our rooms and he's kept out of them.
We use unscented clumping litter. And try to clean his box often since he fills it up fast.
Please help I've done laundry so many times already!
How old is your kitten? I know when my queen had her litter, there was a point where they started to get the hang of the litterbox...but they also used their beds, towels, blankets, and whatever else seemed like a good idea. I did a lot of laundry for about a week! My solution was out of frustration, I took everything off the floor they could eliminate on. The beds, towels, blankets, everything. As soon as I removed all the other options, they immediately caught on and started using the box like pros. They were also being kept exclusively in the bathroom, so maybe you confine your kitty too, just long enough to get him acclimated to a new space and being in close proximity to the box.