1 year old cat with severe FLUTD


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 8, 2021

I’m Mikhailo, and i’m extremely desperate at this point to find a solution for my cat Bolin.
I am a poor college student and my cat had a UTI when he was eight months old. He had bloodwork(normal), x rays(normal), and a urinalysis(first one bacteria, second one normal). I was sent home after hed had antibiotics and fluids injected and a food that costs a small fortune and he appeared to improve a tiny bit. I also got more toys for him, a cat tree, anything I could to relieve stress.

This was not the end of it, it was just the first time. literally six weeks later, he had this same problem. I was struggling to even pay for this round of episodes and it started the same way. Blood in urine, straining to pee, laying down and crying. He had no bacteria in his urine, so all three vets I’ve seen have told me it’s FLUTD and that I basically just have to figure it out by trial and error. I am running out of trials.

Since then he’s had a flare up once a month (He’s just over a year old now) of the same stuff (Straining, blood in urine) and it doesn’t matter what I do. He’s been on Royal Canin prescription food, Hills prescription food, wet and dry, I soak his food every morning, he’s on anti-anxiety medication. Cosequin. Anti inflammatories during flare ups. He has a water fountain that circulates water and he seems to like it.

I’ve spent thousands of dollars and I truly have no idea what to do at all. He’s in the middle of yet another flare up for an undisclosed reason and I physically can’t take him to the vet for the umpteenth time because I’m poor. All I want to do is help him and give him a quality of life and I’m not doing that for him and it hurts so bad.

Outside of his urinary tract issues, he also does not eat a lot. He quite literally eats his meds and maybe two mouthfuls of food. He’s only ten pounds and his litter mate (who is the picture of health) is overweight without a care in the world. Bolin is just tiny and underweight and then he pees blood once a month and gets a vet visit where they shrug their shoulders after all the same diagnostics and prescribe the same solutions, and it’s a vicious cycle I can’t sustain anymore.
He still plays with his brother daily, he seems to enjoy life aside from his flare ups. I am at the end of my rope and I’m wondering if I’m being selfish in prolonging his pain if I have no idea what to do and three separate vets don’t know what to do either. I welcome any ideas I haven’t exhausted. (Just ordered cranberry tablets the other day so. cross your fingers that that is my magic wand)

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I sympathy, it's so hard to watch them struggling. What did the urinalysis show. Did he have crystals, if so what type. I would remove all dry food and feed wet only. Stress is a common cause for UTI so try to remove any stress. Have a look at Cornsilk and D-Mannose, they work well for my cat.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 8, 2021
I sympathy, it's so hard to watch them struggling. What did the urinalysis show. Did he have crystals, if so what type. I would remove all dry food and feed wet only. Stress is a common cause for UTI so try to remove any stress. Have a look at Cornsilk and D-Mannose, they work well for my cat.
no crystals or stones at all, just blood cells now and then. i will look in to cornsilk and d-mannose! would those work in pairing with cranberry capsules or should they be added alone.
as far as stress, i’m not sure what could be considered stressful for him. i’m paranoid too because i am moving into an apartment. the environment should be quieter, i’m just worried it won’t be enough to fix anything.

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I am not a vet but have a cat with UTI's so any information is only from my experience. It sounds as if your cat could have debris in his bladder that is causing the blood in his urine. The prescription food should dissolve the debris. I transitioned my cat onto non prescription food once he had a clear scan. I have found that when he has a flare up I give him Cornsilk and D-Mannose and within a few days he is fine. You could try Feliway, playing with him a few times a day, change the toys so he doesn't get bored, a little catnip.