1 Year Old Cat Fever


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 21, 2018
Hello all,

A couple days ago, my Mr. Buble (Pumpkin) got his yearly feline shots, the next day i noticed that he was very warm, feverish and just not moving around at all. I immediately picked him up and took him to the vet (im super paranoid and hyperaware of everything my baby does as he is the most important thing to me). When we got to the doctor, he said that he was super feverish and that he had a fever of 106. The doctor was worried that he had an abscess (pumpkin is an indoor cat and never gets out at all) and the doctor said he wanted xrays and a full blood panel and testing for feline leukemia and aids and parvo and i said thats all fine. We even did an Onsiron shot and we even had to put him under ice packs to bring the fever down and he got so many shots and temperature checked. Pumpkin wouldn't let anyone touch him so i had to hold him and hear all his pained meows:(

I was given onsiron 6mg for three day dosages and amoxi 250mcg, im the type that doesnt really like to medicate their cat and i read all about the medications. I decided to stop the onsiron after the second day and he had two more days worth and i have him on the amoxi half tablet twice a day. I notice he is kinda slow or just like really sleepy all day, he's not acting weird much but im just hyperaware and have been staying home all day just to watch him and the day i brought him from the vet he still felt warm so i brought a damp towel and wrapped him that and he seemed fine.

I was just wondering if the amoxi is okay and if his behavior is normal and he also makes this like fffffssss sound that sounds like shivering but he does it when he's laying down and also i have a fan in the room. He seems fine and he only does that noise when he's laying down or relaxed/sleeping. Is my baby okay? Was all those tests necessary (obviously i would do anything for my baby and thankfully everything was negative but he did have an infection i guess) and the bill was quite high ($586) for something that was probably a reaction to the vaccinations but also since his fever was so high and i had to do whatever i could to help him. Any and all answers are appreciated, im watching my pumpkin all day just to make sure he's okay, sorry for the essay!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
Why did you stop the prescribed Onsior after the second day when he had 2 more to go? It isn't good to stop meds in the middle. He sounds like he is acting like a cat who doesn't feel well and the full course of meds will help him. Sounds like the doctor may have went a little overboard particularly with xrays. Iw ould have started with fluids and the medications. Body temp over 103.5 is a fever for cats so it was up there a bit.

What did the vet xray? And had he never been tested for FIV and Felv before like when you just got him as a kitten? Did he have his full round of kitten vaccines as a baby?
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TCS Member
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Oct 21, 2018
Why did you stop the prescribed Onsior after the second day when he had 2 more to go? It isn't good to stop meds in the middle. He sounds like he is acting like a cat who doesn't feel well and the full course of meds will help him. Sounds like the doctor may have went a little overboard particularly with xrays. Iw ould have started with fluids and the medications. Body temp over 103.5 is a fever for cats so it was up there a bit.

What did the vet xray? And had he never been tested for FIV and Felv before like when you just got him as a kitten? Did he have his full round of kitten vaccines as a baby?
Hi Jen! thanks for the reply, i stopped the onsior because i was reading about it and its usually given to cats that have just had surgery or gotten neutered, its a pain medication. I didnt like how he was like a zombie on it and i didnt feel it necessary because he wasnt in pain/had surgery and it was such a small dosage that i didnt think it mattered to him. After i stopped it, he became more alert and more aware and he seems to not be in pain at all.

the vet was worried about some blockage or anything in his system i guess, everything was normal on the xray. I got my baby from that hospital actually so im pretty sure they tested for all of that but in the moment i didnt know what to do and just said okay to all the tests just to make sure it was nothing was wrong. He was completely normal and healthy right before the vaccinations. Pumpkin has had all his rounds of deworming and vaccinations, this was just the fvrcp and rabies vaccination.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
It is odd to have the severe reaction but some cats are sensitive. Next year (or 3 hopefully your vet is on the 3 year vaccine protocol) I would split the two vaccines up. Start with rabies as that is required by law and then do FVRCP if you want to a week or two later.

A lot of pain meds have mild sedation so they can relax and sleep off their illness and heal. Cats totally hide their pain (unless it is an obvious injury) so you would never know if he is hurting inside so the sedation is not necessarily a bad thing.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 21, 2018
It is odd to have the severe reaction but some cats are sensitive. Next year (or 3 hopefully your vet is on the 3 year vaccine protocol) I would split the two vaccines up. Start with rabies as that is required by law and then do FVRCP if you want to a week or two later.

A lot of pain meds have mild sedation so they can relax and sleep off their illness and heal. Cats totally hide their pain (unless it is an obvious injury) so you would never know if he is hurting inside so the sedation is not necessarily a bad thing.
Thats a good idea, I am going to be doing a lot more research about the vaccinations as well, i want them to be done as painlessly as possible for him.

Im just so paranoid that im afraid a severe reaction is gnna happen to him from the medication that any slight difference sends me into overdrive and i call the vet, im one of THOSE furmamas lmao. It sucks that they cant tell us whats bothering them so we just have to watch every move. What do you think about his little ffffsss noise he makes? He's done it before this whole ordeal and i always thought it was so cute but a lot of articles say how its like cat shivering and its really bad but i just notice him doing that when hes relaxed and sleeping.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I have one cat that reacts just like your Pumpkin to his shots, feverish and sleepy for two days afterwards. This is NOT a unheard of reaction to shots and i can't believe your vet didn't tell you so instead of doing all those tests, unless he wanted to rule out other possible diagnoses before committing himself to a reaction. But since it happened so soon after the shots i don't know why it wasn't mentioned. Human babies can get the same way. It seems to happen with mine when he has the rabies and the full set, he's fine with the vaccinations in between. My vet gives a dose of Benadryl now before the shots and he hasn't had a reaction since. Ask your vet about this. Someone here said that benadryl doesn't work for vaccinations, but it sure worked for my boy, and it says it does on the internet too at vet schools.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 5, 2018
South Jersey, USA
What do you think about his little ffffsss noise he makes? He's done it before this whole ordeal and i always thought it was so cute but a lot of articles say how its like cat shivering and its really bad but i just notice him doing that when hes relaxed and sleeping.
I haven't heard that noise before. Do you still have the fan going? I know with humans staying warm when you don't feel well will help heal. It's easy to catch a chill when feverish.

Did you choose to cut the amoxi in half or was that the vets order? Not taking an antibiotic properly can strengthen an infection rather than cure it.

Most of the cats we've had have been affected by vaccines. For a few days to a week they sleep more and even eat less. I hope your baby feels better soon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
Maybe he just has some weird sort of purr if he always has made the noise.

I also agree with Benedryl, I don't know who on here said it doesn't work for vaccines, maybe it just didn't for their cat but every clinic I have ever worked at used it. You can have the vet give the shot before the vaccine is given or give oral OTC benedryl. It is a good thing to have on hand in your pet emergency kit anyway.