Search Results

  1. tomozuul

    Catnip Love! Post pictures of your kitties enjoying cat nip :)

    Mayaa was an abandoned house cat that I befriended by coaxing her with catnip.  She's now my guard kitty outside and sometimes graces me with an inside visit. She's been with me about 6 years and is still a Catnip fiend. Share your catnip pictures on this thread please!
  2. tomozuul

    Introducing Tomo (Nakatomi Mergatroid Ferguson), Zuul and Mayaa

    I like long cat names... This is Tomo. He is not as derpy as he looks... OK maybe he is... but he is also incredibly sweet and purrs if you look at him. He gets fulla beans when he plays and his tail puffs up about 10 times its resting size. He is around 3.5 months old now.       This is...
  3. tomozuul

    Coccidia, Diarrhea, Prolapse... Please share your recovery stories, we are losing hope this will eve

    We have a beautiful, sweet, feisty Torti named Zuul with a severe case of Coccidia (and related constant, leaky diarrhea and minor anal prolapse). She has been leaking poo all over herself, our house and us since a few days after we got her home. It has been a month of non-stop sickness and...