Search Results

  1. justagimmick

    Ongoing Litterbox Issues (pleas Help!)

    Hi, haven't posted here in a while. I'm back again with the same issues; my male cat is pooing and peeing/spraying in the house. This has been an ongoing battle for most of his life; it seems to get better then resurfaces. We are currently going through the worst I have ever known it, with...
  2. justagimmick

    Unhappy Kitty

    Hi all. I have a very anxious/nervous and possibly stressed out neutered 4-year-old male cat (Freddie). He has always had moments where he pees territorially (he does it on visitors clothes or belongings, but not 100% of the time) and I know he does it when he gets nervous. However, he seems...
  3. justagimmick

    Re-introduction aggression.

    Hi all. Freddie has had an awfully stressful week (and me too).  He was admitted to the vets last Saturday for high temp, not eating and he was also jaundiced.  He's ended up spending the week at a specialist vet hospital.  I don't expect him to come home and be fine, but now he just growls at...
  4. justagimmick

    Cat Flap Training

    Hi all, wonder if you could give me some advice. I have been trying to get my cat Belle to use the cat flap, started by having it propped opened all the time (when I'm home) and she had no issue with it.  As soon as its shut, nothing would bring her to use it (food, treats, praise and...
  5. justagimmick

    Meltdown (again!)

    Things have been going well between Belle and Freddie as of late. There had even been occasions where you could almost say they've been affectionate (Freddie slept on top of her back legs, some grooming) and I've just had another complete setback. Today I let Belle out in the back garden for...
  6. justagimmick

    Kitty farts and multitudes of poop

    Belle has now been with me just shy of 3 weeks.  In that time I am amazed by how much poop she is producing, on some days I am finding as many as 6 in a previously clean litter tray. She also farts something rotten - in general and also when I pick her up.  They are SUPER stinky, as is her...
  7. justagimmick

    You need a cat in life...

    Hi all, joined the site after adopting a new kitty and wanting some advice.  Have had cats for nearly 20 years now, currently living with two (in the introduction stage), with 'share custody' of another (she lives full time with my ex, but I see her regularly with email updates!) and my 2nd cat...
  8. justagimmick

    New cat and resident cat

    Hi, so I have been googling frenziedly trying to find some advice. I have introduced cats before, and achieved tolerance between the kitties.  They didn't snuggle, but would sleep on the same sofa or the same bed.  I am hoping to get a more cohesive relationship this time, so am following the...