Search Results

  1. S

    Recovery After Urinary Blockage

    Thank you for the prayers. Here is an update on Basil: We were unable to get into the vet on Christmas Eve and since at that point it had only been a drop of bloody urine we decided to wait rather than go to the emergency vet where they wouldn't have any of his history. He was also still taking...
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    Recovery After Urinary Blockage

    This morning we found a small drop of urine with blood in it on the floor, just a drop. I don't think he could be blocked after all the pee that came out yesterday, but I don't know what to do. Do I just continue with the medication he's been given, or should the bleeding have stopped by now...
  3. S

    Recovery After Urinary Blockage

    So, while we thought Basil was getting better, it seems he has a way to go yet :( 2 days after finishing up his regime of metacam and prazosin we found puddles of urine all over the floor again, with what looked like significant amounts of blood in the urine We rushed him back to the vet. They...
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    Recovery After Urinary Blockage

    Thanks everyone, He definitely seems a happier cat since getting the new medication protocol from the vet this morning, and so far today there have been no accidents We are in Australia, so don't have access to such a wide-range of foods as are available in the US I know that Science...
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    Recovery After Urinary Blockage

    Hi Zoya&Zirka, Thank you for your response and advice We went back to the vet this morning Thankfully there was no blockage, his bladder was empty. She said his bladder was very hard and tight though, which is why he has been leaking everywhere. She said the tight/contracted bladder is due...
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    Recovery After Urinary Blockage

    Hi everyone, After some advice for my cat Basil. Sorry in advance for the long post On Thursday 23rd, we noticed he was squatting on the floor without anything coming out. We took him to the vet straight away and they squeezed his bladder and said he was blocked, and they kept him at the vet...
  7. S

    Resemblance to a Russian Blue?

    Thanks so much guys!! I'll definitely share more pics as he grows
  8. S

    Resemblance to a Russian Blue?

    Hiya, This is my kitten Basil... I know he is a DSH, as we adopted him from a cat rescue, but just for fun, I wondered how closely he resembles a Russian Blue and where he differs/ whether he could pass as a decent look a like? I obviously love him regardless
  9. Resemblance to a Russian Blue?

    Resemblance to a Russian Blue?

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    From kittens to adults: Post your photos!

    Thanks so much @merlin2000! He is such a goof! We took this pic of him tonight
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  18. S

    From kittens to adults: Post your photos!

    Moses from about 8 weeks to 5.5 months :)
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