Search Results

  1. B

    Does your house have an obvious cat-smell?

    My bedroom reeks of a cat. And i am moving to a new house, i don't want this stink to start in my new bedroom/house.    (I scoop daily, wash litter box every 2 weeks, i don't know why my bedroom stinks like a pet so much. I give my cat a bath whenever he needs to be bathed, vaccuum the room...
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    Lost kitten's favourite toy. Kitten won't use any other toy. What do i do now? He has started biting

    I tried looking every where around the house but i couldn't find my kitten's favourite stuffed toy (a teddy bear). I bought him a kong kickeroo (rectangular cushion type thing with a crunchy tail) and another teddy bear but he won't touch them. He tries to bite my legs/hands instead. what do i...
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    cat punctured the food bag. is it okay to store the food in a plastic container?

    I read somewhere that food directly poured into a plastic container might overtime take on the container's smell so it should be kept inside the bag and that bag should then be placed inside the plastic container. However my catfood bags are big and i don't have big enough plastic container so i...
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    Will my indoor cat try to run outside if i grow catnip in the backyard?

    do you think my cat will be able to smell catnip from the inside of the house?  also, do you think catnip attracts racoons/skunks or any other animal?  i am bored rn, not sure if i am serious about this.....but it'd be fun to see all neighbourhood cats in 1 backyard  and there are a lot of...
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    Is 7.5lbs for a 4.5-5 month old kitten over-weight?

    He weighed 5.2lbs exactly a month ago when i got him neutered and now he weighs 7.5lbs. He gained more than 2 pounds in a month. Is that normal? I thought normally kittens gained 1lb per month. He looks almost like a big cat already and he's barely 5months old. He has a kitten face otherwise but...
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    5 month old fixed kitten doesn't clean his back and jumps around on furniture with wet urine onhis b

    He never cleans himself right after using the litter box. And whenever i am around i always notice urine behind him after he comes out of the litter box. He's 5 months old i am not sure if he'll ever lick himself clean. I used to change the sheets 3-4times (everytime i would notice wet urine...
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    Best scratching deterrant spray? I want to deter my 4m/o kitten from scratching furniture

    So i want to spray it on all furniture around the house. Something that i could find at walmart or petsmart or petvalu please
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    trimming nails and putting nail caps is a nightmare. what can i do to make it less frightening to my

    He's 4 months old. and he hates it when i touch his paws.   how do cats in youtube nail caps/nail trimming videos stay so calm? do they give them some calming meds or something? i tried doing it while he was asleep but he's such a light sleeper he wakes up as soon as i go near him. He was a...
  9. B

    4m/o kitten swallows thread/cardboard/plastic and anything small that he finds on the floor. What do

    he swallows literally anything and everything that can fit in his mouth!  (we vacuum and clean the house regular but its impossible to keep small pieces/shreds off of the floor 24/7) he's started doing this recently (like a week ago) could it be that i am feeding him too little? i feed him...
  10. B

    My kitten bites his stuffed toy and fights with it. Is that normal or should he be treating it more

    the kitten is 4 months old and he's had this toy since he was 8 weeks old. he never cuddled with it.....he treats it as a prey. 
  11. B

    Is spray catnip (petlink) harmful for a 4 month old kitten?

    I sprayed some in his scratching area and scratcher (lounger style). Kitten is going crazy. Literally crazy. He's licking it (still not scratching), rolling on it, biting it, rubbing against it etc etc (but not scratching). He seems crazy active. Is he ok? 
  12. B

    4m/o kitten scratches at everything despite having 3 scratch posts (all different kinds). how do i g

    i have cardboard incline scratcher, tall cat scratching post, scratcher lounge thing. he seems to love scratching the tall scratcher so i keep that one in the living room but still he scratches at the couches or rugs.  whenever i catch him scratching at places other than the scratcher i pick...
  13. B

    Will my 4 m/o kitten be fine if i light incense sticks in my room/house?

    they are sandalwood/musk/orange/blossom/cherry/lotus flavours. got them from the dollar store.  
  14. B

    How long does it take to grow new coat on a 4 month old kitten?

    My vet shaved my kitten's back during neuter surgery. (He shaved only one side and it looks kinda weird now) i was wondering if his hair will ever be the same size as the other side...?
  15. B

    can i place newly neutered kitten in a playpen throughout his recovery period?

    this one^ (with water/food and litter box) He breaks away the e-collar and i don't know how to stop him from jumping and running around. I can't supervise him non-stop unless i keep him in a playpen and place it in my study-room.  (By recovery period i mean 4 days.)
  16. B

    When can i give my kitten bath if he got neutered today?

    He peed but jumped out of the litter box too early and got pee all over his back and tail (and also on my bed). i tried cleaning him with warm water and towel but he ran away. (he's running away from me and attacking me so it's impossible to thoroughly clean his back and tail and get rid of all...
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    Kitten got neutered 7 hours ago, he breaks-away buster collar every time, and he's attacking me with

    I got e-collar from vet. It's plastic with 3 holes for gauze (to tie around the kitten's neck). Vet's assistant gave me an idea to tie a breakaway collar through those holes around the kitten's neck (he could get out of the gauze very easily). but it turns out he breaks the collar with same...
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    Kitten gets too lovey-dovey after i spray him with water for biting me. Is this normal?

    He kneads or sits on my lap and tries to give me a nose to nose kiss. why is this? 
  19. B

    How can someone help an indoor female cat in heat (besides getting her spayed)? How could one find a

    Are there any breeders that provide their male cats for mating purposes in GTA/toronto canada?  Kijiji doesn't have any listing at the moment It's my cousin's cat
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    Best brand to feed kitten? both wet and dry

    currently my 3 month old kitten's having Simply Nourish rice and chicken kitten dry food and Iam's kitten pate chicken canned food.  i want to switch him to the best brand possible for both dry and wet.