Search Results

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    Cat litter with least amount of dust?

    I didn't like the strong urine smell with Arm&Hammer. I switched to World's Best and it has no dust. Transitioning now. Not fully cat approved but I'm hopeful.
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    Loose teeth and does this cost estimate look right?

    Boo had dental surgery last month with 11 extractions and it was about $1850! No overnight stay. I'm in the Phoenix area.
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    Cat Tree- Any Recommendations For Trees With Big Perches?

    Check out New Cat Condos. Reasonable prices and extremely well made. Manufactured in Phoenix.
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    Curious About Social Aspects of Siberian Kitten

    I'm late to the party, but want to share my experience with litter boxes and my Siberian. I now have the largest litter box I could find online. She just wasn't comfortable in anything smaller. She's three now and I'm thinking I may have to go to a Sterilite storage box to size up again. Also...
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    Don't know how to make my new cat feel comfortable.

    It can take months. Just be patient and know that it is normal.
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    Ever after
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    What's your cat food budget per month?

    One cat on Blue Ridge Beef kitten mix (chicken beef egg bones organ meat) costs around $40 per month. She gets 4-4.5 oz per day. Split into 3 feedings. It was what the breeder started her on and recommended keeping her on. She also gets NuVetFeline Plus supplement sprinkled on her food.
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    Question of the day 11/25/15

    High cholesterol, fibromyalgia, arthritis and chronic depression. Just sprained my foot and it hurts!
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    Giveaway: Awesome FREE Cat-themed Bag!

    ENTRY tapestry shoulder bag
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    Packet ship
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    Raw -- $100/month for two cats?

    I feed mine Blue Ridge Beef kitten mix and it works out to $40 per month for one. She gets 4.5 oz per day. Only sold through distributors. You can check out their website. It's complete food.
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    Off color
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    Question of the Day, Friday, November 6

    I write one or two checks a month, otherwise I use the bank's bill pay to send the mortgage and the debit card to pay everything else. That way I have everything I need for budget tracking with the online bank access. I download it all into Quicken and it's very easy.
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    Do you have items that disappear?

    I've always figured socks were a disposable item. Less frustrating that way. For me, it's my reading glasses. There must be more than a dozen in this house and I can only find the ugliest most decrepit.
  15. Information About Siberian Cats

    Information About Siberian Cats

  16. IMG_20150711_201813.jpg


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    Litterbox Issues - Two Cats

    Since this started after you moved, perhaps they don't like the location of the boxes. Try putting boxes in multiple locations to see where they prefer.