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  1. miannorvy

    Introducing..... No name yet. lol

     Last night the woman brought us our new kitten. She is a Snowshoe Siamease. We got her at 4:30 pm and aside from a couple tiney naps, we played off and on until 10:00. Then I decided it was bedtime. She is still in there. I have her carrier set on my nightstand with a towel in it and a stuffed...
  2. miannorvy

    This morning Norville has finally eaten a little of his new food.

    Norville has always had problems since I have had him with eating and I tried him on so much in the beginning I about went broke after all I am on SSDI and have been for years unfortunately. Mia was my baby and only one until he came along and I actually saved his life because his mom died and...
  3. miannorvy

    Norville and his scratching

    I have never really given it much thought until lately how much Norville scratches himself. This guy has been through EVERYTHING. I got him at a few weeks old and nursed him with a dropper. He was bones and full of worms. His mother had died. He was sickly his first 6 months and finally his eye...
  4. miannorvy

    Ordering supplies online monthly

    I have gotten to the point where I just cant get the big bags of food and litter for the month when I go for my monthly trip to Walmart for supplies on Mass Transit. I physically cant handle it. So I decided I would start checking about ordering online. So far the only place I have ever ordered...
  5. miannorvy

    Norville surfing his favorite website!

    Norville  2/27/15 surfing his favorite website. He love computer time!!!!   :)
  6. miannorvy

    Mia and Norville got a new sister!

    The beginning of December some neighbors and I were outside at our apartment complex and we kept hearing a cat meowing loudly, panicky like. One of my neighbors (she is only 18) was helping me look for it. We finally pinned it down to being under a certain mans car. He just happened to come out...
  7. miannorvy

    3rd eyelid issues

    Obviously I don't know much about the 3rd eyelid but I new more than the receptionist if I knew I needed to get Norville into the vet right away and she didn't think so. She asked me if I would like to talk to the vet though and then we both found out the vet wants him first thing in the a.m. so...
  8. miannorvy

    I pretty sure I broke Norvy's leg

    omg! Not having a good day! I think I just broke my kittens leg when I stepped on it! This little guy has just turned 5 months and has been through EVERYTHING. I got him at 3 1/2 weeks when his mother had died and he was starving to death and I had to feed him by an eyedropper to keep him alive...
  9. miannorvy

    omg I just found a lump under Novy's arm

    I don't know how I have ever missed it before or the vet either. He was just at the vet 2 weeks ago tomorrow for exam, neuter, shots and such and stayd over night. I was just rubbing him and felt it lightly and then rubbed hard and could definitely tell it was there so I began feeling it and can...
  10. miannorvy

    Did I sighn up for this

    So this morning I woke up to Mia skreaching over and over again in a tone I have never heard before. I thought the world had come to an end for a moment. Then when she had gotten me all the way awake she stopped. I thought "you gotta be kidding me. You are not waking me for treats in the night"...
  11. miannorvy

    Ordering catfood online

    I have never ordered cat food online for my babies but it is getting harder and harder to get in the city. In the little town I live in (pop. 3,300) we only have a Dollar General and IGA. I cant drive due to epilepsy from a stroke I had 2 years ago. so I depend on others and hate to do that at...
  12. miannorvy

    My babies Mia and Norville

    I have had Mia since she was 7 weeks old. I adopted her from the APL and she was quite a large kitten already. She is 3 years old now and weighs in at 13lbs. Although large she is tall and long not fat. I have had Norville for 4 weeks now. Friday at his vet visit she estimated him at  8 weeks...