Search Results

  1. M

    Wellness and struvite stones?

    We have a 10 month old female foster kitty and we've been feeding them Wellness regular dry and Wellness canned. She is now on antibiotics for a urinary infection and there are crystals present as well as blood in the urine.  I have to take her off the Wellness and go to a prescription diet. ...
  2. M

    In need of good advice...please!

    I can totally relate to what you are talking about. Fortunately, I didn't have any issues with the 'do not feed' mentality. I sat by the window and could observe the feeder all day. It was hidden from customers, but all the employees knew where it was. Now the company is gone, but I still...
  3. M

    To release, or not to release???

    Mama will have to go back out if she is feral. Fleas are warm weather things, so if it's getting cooler the fleas will be less active. BUT they will always be in the grass. If they go back outside, then they should have flea treatment once a month (Advantage, or Program). Also, fleas cause...
  4. M

    To release, or not to release???

    Can you foster them for a while? Contact any of your local rescue groups. Most of them are more than willing to let you show the animals for adoption as long as you can foster them until they are adopted. If they are OK in the bedroom and happy there (mine do the same thing in their...
  5. M

    Tigger is HOME!

    We got him Friday night! After a week of late nights, set traps, frustration, tears and anxiety, he came home with us on Friday. We knew where he was hanging out, between 3 buildings at the apartment complex. We set traps all around the perimeter but with people coming and going, cars, etc...
  6. M

    taming a once domestic cat?

    All this advice is excellent. You really don't KNOW what your boyfriend did to the cat do you? You only know what he tells you. Maybe he didn't keep the box clean, maybe he used a clay litter and let it get too wet, maybe he didn't pay attention to the cat, maybe he just didn't want to be...
  7. M

    Ferals & Cats Update Carradoc

    Good work! We had a similar situation last year. A local business asked for our help and since the ferals were so used to people they readily went into the traps. We got 6 of them within 3 days, 5 of them FEMALE. That could have been such a disaster when they went into heat, but it won't...
  8. M

    OK, need a little help here....

    They may have a parasite, giardia or coccidia, both easily treatable. Also, what are you feeding them? They should be on mostly KMR mixed with a little bit of kibble (Royal Canin Baby Cat is what we use). The vet will need a stool sample to determine what the issue is. You can give them...
  9. M

    I'm so sick.

    My husband and the rescue lady set 5 traps last night. They saw Tigger and know where he's hanging out. She was supposed to go down there this morning and check to see if we got him, but we haven't heard from her all day. I'm going crazy with worry. What if somebody let him out? What if...
  10. M

    A rock and a hard place

    I know what you are going through. I would definitely trap the kitty, and yes, please feed her. She needs to be spayed or neutered if it's a boy otherwise you will have problems with intact males and unwanted kittens. Go to your local vet or animal hospital. Ask them if they can help. You are...
  11. M

    Cat Hoarders

    TODAY. Contact your local social services agency, your MIL's doctor if you know him/her, ANYONE who specializes in mental illness. You can have her declared incapable of taking care of herself and get conservatorship. You can not allow this to go on. You can NOT. Contact a local rescue...
  12. M

    I'm so sick.

    My husband and the lady from the rescue group went back last night after dark. 2 vet techs from the vet's office were already there looking. (it was so nice of them to come) and they spotted him, not far from where he got out. There is a big pond with ducks and he was hunkered down in thick...
  13. M

    It made me cry

    We have 3 fosters that were quite feral when we got them. They were about 10 weeks old when we got them and we couldn't touch any of them. They'd hiss and hide behind the toilet, and just didn't trust us at all. They were being fed by someone, but not socialized. Within a week, 2 out of 3 were...
  14. M

    I'm so sick.

    I work with a rescue group. One of our foster kitties was adopted on Saturday. Sunday we got a call that he got out! The idiots left their window open and he popped the screen. I'm physically sick over this. They are told and told again NOT to leave windows open where the screens are not...
  15. M

    Anyone in Buffalo, NY?

    I need help! My mother-in-law is elderly. She's been feeding a neighborhood kitty, (abandoned most likely) and needs to get him trapped and fixed. He's friendly, about 5 months old, orange tabby. I've tried to contact an organization in Buffalo, but have gotten no response. She is on a fixed...
  16. M

    It's Overwhelming....

    All, I can totally relate to everything you said. My husband and I have worked with rescue for a long time. This year has to be one of the worst. We currently have 8 foster babies. 5 of which came from a mama that we tried so hard to trap before she got pregnant. That didn't happen. She was so...
  17. M

    Trapping question

    My husband and I work with a rescue group. We're no strangers to trapping, BUT this one particular cat is giving us fits. She lives at a building 1/2 mile from home, where I used to work (the company is no longer there). I've been feeding her for almost a year, so I guess she is almost a year...
  18. M

    Does anyone feed thier cat wellness

    My guys love it. They get the canned a couple times a week and the dry is available for them all day long.
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    Nervous cat that poops

    Thanks everybody. She's been pretty good the last few days. I'm wondering if she was just constipated. The vet recommended Laxotone for a couple days (she didn't like it at all), but I found that a treat of Friskies canned cat food seems to be rich enough to normalize her poop. She...
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    Nervous cat that poops

    I have a 17 pound tabby female that is intimidated by my smallest male. He is a wiry cat, lots of energy but he seems to get pleasure out of intimidating the shy cats in my house. Sometimes he'll corner my tabby in the kitchen and she gets so nervous she'll poop on the floor. Sometimes he'll...