Search Results

  1. J

    Dental trouble or mouth cancer?

    My cat went over the rainbow bridge on Tuesday but I can't get rid of my guilt. He's always had bad teeth but recently they got worse. He had a slow heart rate so could not go under anesthesia. His blood work showed white blood count up, early kidney disease. He received a shot of covenia but...
  2. J

    Cat fainting (syncophy)

    Hi, My 16-17 year old cat Cammy has been having fainting spells (syncophy) off and on for a while. They recently increased and the vet said her heart rate was low. We took her to the cardiologist and she was given a sonogram and ekg. Tests showed some heart disease but at the time her heart rate...
  3. J

    Squamos Cell Carcinoma

    Hi everybody. My 14 year old cat has squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth.  I am wondering if there is anything at all that I can do?  It appeared approx. 2 months ago. It was not big when we noticed it and the vet said to wait a month that is might be from fleas.  We waited a month and then we...
  4. J

    Cat has heart worm and bad athritis

    My sister's cat has been diagnosed with heart worm as well as severe arthritis in her back.  She is an indoor only cat and is treated most months with Revolution.  We can't understand how this could have happened.   We both never gave heart worm much thought and are devastated that she is sick...
  5. J

    Need advice!

    I have been out of work for about two years now and have not been able to find a job. This has been a burden for the ferals and the five cats I have inside but with some help have managed to feed them and keep them fairly well. I have been trying desperately to get one of my cats to the vet for...
  6. J

    Worms in my cat

    Hi, I hope my question isn't too stupid. I didn't know but two of my cats have worms and I will be treating them with medication. They both creep up and sleep on my pillow when I am sleeping- is it possible that I will have worms now? I am so creeped out! Ewww....
  7. J

    Beauty crossed the bridge today

    Beauty crossed the bridge today at 12:30P.M. Beauty was a calico feral that was never touched but got all of the love that we could give her. She was spayed, had an outside house although she spent most of her days traveling to other people's backyards and making them angry. She never lacked...
  8. J

    How to catch a cat with no appetitie!

    Hi Everybody, We have a true feral in the yard that seems to be having trouble eating and drinking. We have been trying to catch her for several days with no luck. She can't eat so she is not enticed by the trap. Got her to come up to a plate and my sister tried to catch her with no luck. She...
  9. J

    Need prayers and vibes - Cat not eating. :(

    Hi everybody, Our youngest cat has stopped eating and was vomiting mostly clear liquid. We took him to the vet today and she took some blood, gave fluids and gave him something to stimulate his appetite. We also got two cans of AD food which he will not touch. Since he came back from the vet, he...
  10. J

    Opossum living with my feral cats!

    Agh... Been seeing an opossum in the backyard when I feed the cats. Thought nothing of it as I have seen them occasionally before, Now it is a bit lighters later and I got a good look at it. It seems very small, it's ears are raggedy like it was in the cold too long. It stood there looking back...
  11. J

    Help! Vet says that the only help for injured paw might be amputation...

    Hi everybody, Our cat injured her paw and the cut went down to the bone through tissue. The vet says that even if the paw heals the paw will be cumbersome, She will not be able to stand on it. The vet is recommending amputation of the front paw, halfway up the leg. Approximate cost will be...
  12. J

    Revolution and Drontal at the same time?

    Hi all, Happy New Year! I have a quick question, I hope you can help me with. Two of our cats have severe diarrhea and we took one to the vet yesterday. We were given Drontal for both cats with Revolution. Can Drontal be used at the same time as Revolution? And is Drontal safe for the most...
  13. J

    Cat knocked water onto my LED TV

    I just purchased a LCD TV not long ago and apparently one of my little angels climbed a shelf and knocked over water onto it. Anything I can do now? I haven't even paid it off. It's partly my fault, I was late for work and left a half of cup of water on a high shelf... Number one, I didn't think...
  14. J

    HELP!! Sick raccoon on our porch!

    Help! There is a sick raccoon laying next to the outside feral cats water bowl as I type this. Do I call animal control? And how will this affect the outside cats? I am behind on their rabies shots as it is so hard to re-trap them! Please help me! I don't know what to do! Thank you!
  15. J

    Ferals scratching fence

    I hate Spring! The neighbor trouble begins... What can I put outside in my yard that the cats will want to scratch their claws on, instead of using the neighbor's fence? I know that there are things that they can put on the fence that will make them not want to go near it, but that's not going...
  16. J

    Science Diet W/D

    Hi, A friend's friend had a cat that died and she brought over some food from the owner. There are 18 cans of Science Diet W/D formula. I looked it up and it said that it's a diet formula or a formula for diabetic cats, for overweight cats. Would it hurt to give it to our cats, one of which...
  17. J

    Prayers for a good result on an MRI

    Hi Everybody, Six months ago I wrote about the results of an ultrasound that revealed a carotid artery stenosis. I went to the specialist and he said in his opinion it was an error and to take the test again in sixth months. Well, it's been about six months and I just had an MRI done and I am...
  18. J

    Health question - UTI?

    As usual when I need advice I run to The Cat Site! I hope that it doesn't fall too much under the category of TMI. A few days last seek I had light pink after I urinated. I didn't think too much of it as I have fibroids and I thought it might be from that. Now the last two days it has gotten a...
  19. J

    Please send prayers and vibes for Handsome

    Please send some prayers for Handsome. (Silly name, but he is!) He is a semi-feral that goes out in the morning and to do his business, he sleeps inside at night. He hasn't gone out all day yesterday and so far today. He is eating and drinking fine, but does look a little uncomfortable. I'm...
  20. J

    I think my cat may have had a taste of chocolate!!!!!!!

    I think my Timmy may have gotten a piece of chocolate! What should I look for? Should I bring him to the vet even if I am not sure??? Oh, I am in a panic. Oh, I am a better mommy than sister just visited and brought a small bag of that chocolate that you melt from a candy shoppe and I...