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    One month kittens eat their mother's food

    hey guys. my persian couple had 3 kitties a mnth ago. all three happy and healthy :D  now that they are out and about, they LOVEEEEEEEEEEE eating mommys food! they are still feeding on mommy milk but they also like eating on their own like big cats! i know they look cute and all but is it ok...
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    once a sprayer always a sprayer?!?

    hi.i am having issues with my male persian cat.he is 1 n half yr old ginger.i got him when he wz almost a yr old so probably have had him for 6mnths now. he has always had behavioural issues like peeing in the washroom basin,pooping on the floor etc.but with time he got better.Now the issue is...
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    Bathing Cats

    ok so heres a tough one.i am a proud owner of 2 is double coated while the other is triple coated.with tht much hair,they not only shed alot but also get alot stuck in their hair.Especially my white one.she strts looking dirty real quick. my male ginger is more into running away...
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    water needed if cat drinks milk?

    hi.i have 2 persians. both of them are on dry food and we add chicken liver to the food every now and then cuz they love it. my cats do not like drinking water from their bowl.they lick on the water on the bathroom floor as one of my water pipe drips. i give them regular cow milk with their...
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    White female cat with ginger male cat

    i have a white female cat and a male ginger. both my cats live in although the male cat did run out quite a few times but we try keeping him in all the time. the female white also ran out once but during that time she was already expecting.she mated with the male ginger ofcourse because she...