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  1. I

    marinade and sauce?

    bacon didn't work. my cat hated meat in bacon fat. where do you get organic catnip? man this is more trouble than i expected. and i think my throws up more with regular kibbles than science diet brand kibbles, does this mean something? and i do want to get organic meat after hearing countless...
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    slightly rotten meat?

    funny that you put it that way.  lions don't seem to mind on those nature programs on tv.  i think a dead carcass smell way bad after just 12 hours and they eat it over a week. 
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    slightly rotten meat?

    i think i left raw meat in refrigerator bottom a bit too long and there some blue in the meat and there's slight smell.  should i just dump it out? or is it not a problem feeding slightly rotten meat to cat? i mean don't lions eat dead carcasses in scorching african heat over several days/a...
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    are some bone types better than others?

    personally, i found pork bone softer and easier to ground down with chopper knife than chicken bone. any problem sticking with just pig bone/softer bone?
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    marinade and sauce?

    does whole food carry organic bacon?  that's 20 min from my house so i only go occasionally.  stop n shop and fresh market like 3 mins instead and they both didn't have it.
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    marinade and sauce?

    anyone tried to flavor meat with fresh catnip? does it work?
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    marinade and sauce?

    hmm... ok, bacon fat eh? i take this into consideration.
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    where do you buy your catnip/grass?

    looking for homegrown seeds for kitty for grass/catnip. i tried lowe but they didn't have it. i only saw dried version in places like petco/petsmart. i want to grow my own . is online the best place to buy. i like to just go to a store and get it without having to wait for shipping.
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    marinade and sauce? Animal Digest | More Pet Pampering this is a source for formula for animal digest aka the sauce /marinade in commerical dry kibble. it been reported to contain nasty impurities ranging from sick,dead,dying animals which makes me sick. i...
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    how to get cat to eat healthy supplements?

    because the articles suggest positive plants, but doesn't tell you what to do if cat don't like it.  my cat have been a picky eater  so i'm here to seek experiences from others and advice.
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    how to get cat to eat healthy supplements?

    you are messing around with me right, with telling me to buy books instead of linking to actual article i can conveniently read?, at...
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    how to get cat to eat healthy supplements?

    why keep twisting my words? i never said entirely plant diet but only small quantities.  commerical dry kibble quite a bit of plants in the formula as labeled,  do you have a report saying that it significantly impact cats' health on a large scale? you consistently taken a hard stance against...
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    how to get cat to eat healthy supplements?

    alright then, this discussion is getting more constructive.  ok back up for a moment, i never said "MUST" contain plant.  from the onset, the tone felt like to be "cat shouldn't eat plant at all" until i presented authoritative  sources suggesting otherwise. yea i know some plants are...
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    how to get cat to eat healthy supplements?

    i'm going to make a point here.  i don't see how folks can be so adamant on a position as it seemed  none who have argued against plant supplement on top of meat diet have anything like bio-science or vet background. how can people be so sure plant supplement in any quantity is negative? ...
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    how to get cat to eat healthy supplements?

    i can see this topic has already became controversial.     nice reference though, goholistic.  i guess some folks have their diehard beliefs that plants can't help optimize a cat's health .  and they probably go up against vets that say otherwise. and there always folks that twist other...
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    how to get cat to eat healthy supplements?

    the thing is not all plants are high carb.  and mushroom been documented to possess anti-cancer, anti-microbial, and immune supportive.
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    how to get cat to eat healthy supplements?

    you should see scientists argue with the gmo issue. it so heated it's hilirous.  i saw a recent interview discussion on tv.  gmo proponent scientist bashed gmo opposing science as" nonsense!"  proponents say opponents are wrong and vice versa.  info war at it's finest.
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    how to get cat to eat healthy supplements?

    ok fine argument there.  it can come down to which school of thought you want to beleive within the scientific community.  no simple right or wrong.  to each his/her own i suppose on such matters.  but isn't cancer about abnormal cell growth?  and isn't it better to prevent cell growth from...
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    Nutritional need beside raw meat diet?

    are you saying eggshell works as an alternative source of calcium other than eating bone?
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    how to get cat to eat healthy supplements?

    well i guess you in disharmony with the PhDs and vet sites that made those reports.  i know enough of the poison food for them.  i believe the standard diet formula is something like 50% protein 40% fat and 10% carbohydrate.  the plants can fit into that 10%, now can't it?  i didn't say give em...