Search Results

  1. sara457

    Anyone tried Hill's Urinary Stress canned food for their cats?

    Hi there My cat Gayden has serious anxiety problems and is currently on medication to try and help this problem. The vet recommended Hills calming food for urinary problems to further help him, as he is still not very relaxed. Most things haven't worked to calm my cat down. We've tried Feliway...
  2. sara457

    Anti-Anxiety drugs (Clomicalm) personality changes?

    Hi all Sorry if this should have been under the health forum...not cat Gayden has a spraying problem (which the vet has said is behavioural - he has a clean bill of health) so last week we started him on a drug called Clomicalm. Believe me, we tried absolutely everything over the...
  3. sara457

    Taking a cat to the park?

    I'll bet this sounds pretty weird, but lately I've been driving my cat out to parks and forests. He tolerates having a harness and leash on, but he hates lots of noise. I live in a townhouse that is completely over run by neighbourhood kids in all directions. They are very loud, throwing balls...
  4. sara457

    Feliway leftovers?

    Hi I'm not sure what category this question belongs...but I was just wondering if anyone knows if you can transfer the leftover liquid from Feliway diffusers? After a few bottles with a little in each one, it adds up and could provide a weeks worth of stuff!
  5. sara457

    Help! I'm freaking out and it's too late to go to the vet!!!

    My cat Gayden has been having spasms today. He's been sort of unwell the last few days. I took him to the vet yesterday for blood tests and an exam. She said that everything looked fine, except that his creatine (not sure on the word) levels were borderline and that she thought he might be in...
  6. sara457

    Anyone have experience with feline anemia?

    Hello My cat Gayden was diagnosed with non-regenerative anemia and the Feline Leukemia Virus 16 months ago. They gave him shots of darbopoetin (or something) to stimulate the production of red blood cells. He had two or three shots, and improved significantly very quickly. A year ago I had him...
  7. sara457

    My cat is acting weird

    I just got back from a vacation, and one of my cats is now acting strange. We were gone for three weeks, but had a cat sitter coming in twice a day to play with them, feed them etc. We went away for a few weeks at Christmas and the cat sitter came. When we got back the cats were fine. But this...
  8. sara457

    Can't stop obsessing over cat's health

    I wish I could stop obsessing over my cats urinary health. Two years ago he had crystals, and since then I worry about on a weekly basis. He usually pees at the back of the box and when I cleaned the litters today there was only a small amount...about the size of half a golf ball. There were 4...
  9. sara457

    Keeping my FeLV cat up to date with vaccines

    Hello. I don't know if anyone can answer this question...but here goes :) My cat was diagnosed with FeLV through the Elisa test a year ago. He actually tested negative on the IFA his results are not concurrent. Anyway. I was so focused on him getting better - he had anemia, and...
  10. sara457

    My cat peed on me!!!/ My living room is covered in plastic

    I was in bed last night, had just dozed off to sleep when suddenly my cat jumped on the bed and walked over to me. I was half asleep but noticed he was a little too still so I opened my eyes and saw him on me in "that position" so I pushed him away and felt it all wet and then smelled the urine...
  11. sara457

    Cats have cabin fever!

    Hi All Any suggestions for helping cats with cabin fever? Now that it's winter, both my cats are going nuts with boredom. They have a catio that they can still go into, but as temperatures are now below zero they don't want to stay in it for long. I also have a back deck that I have shoveled a...
  12. sara457

    Spraying cat! Plastic drapes?

    Hi! I'm still dealing with a spraying cat, it's a daily problem now. The last couple of weeks he's taking to spraying my living room curtains every night. So each day I'd take them down, put Natures Miracle on them and then wash them in the machine. But now I'm at the point, where I'm like - why...
  13. sara457

    Jekyl and Hyde cat

    My cat has night time craziness. He's a sweet, gentle, laid back cat during the day. Then at night he goes mental, which results in him spraying urine on my curtains. He is five years old, and was always very high strung, demanding, getting in trouble for attention, hyper active  in the evening...
  14. sara457

    My cat has a spraying problem!

    I have a 5 year old cat that's been spraying in our house. 18 months ago he had a urinary blockage and spent a traumatizing 10 days at the vet. When he came home he started spraying. He's had many check ups since and he's fine, health wise (other than being FeLV positive).  We've done...