Search Results

  1. M

    New kitten: Bathroom or Bedroom?

    Hi everyone, Apologies if an answer to this question has already been posted, but I can't seem to find one anywhere that addresses my specific details. A kitten has been hanging out around our apartment complex cluster (4 apartments). Between all of us, we have determined that it doesn't have...
  2. M

    Urinating & Kneading

    Hi All,  I have just started a job where my cats and I have to commute weekly.  Everything has (surprisingly) been okay...except that the first time we came inside the new apartment, my male cat (fixed) ran to the bedroom and urinated on the bed.  I cleaned it up well, aired out & flipped the...
  3. M

    Weekly Car Travel

    Hi All,  Many apologies if this topic has already been covered in other threads---please direct me to the appropriate space if so! I just accepted a new position at a university located approximately 6 hours away from my house.  I will be making the commute each week with my cats. I know this...