Search Results

  1. hersheys mom

    Litter Recommendations

    I have used Arm & Hammer Slide. Waste does not stick but I found it does not control odor as well as their Double Duty.
  2. hersheys mom

    Help please - have to transport my babies 2200 miles in car

    Hi everyone. I am SO sorry I did not catch all of you up on the journey, but when we got here I discovered the house had been broken into and was thrashed. The girls and I had an air matress, an electric blanket, their litter boxes, their beds (though they slept with me), their food bowls and...
  3. hersheys mom

    Help please - have to transport my babies 2200 miles in car

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I have been turning this over and over in my head, and came to the same conclusion as you mention, except for the carriers. So many people have said carriers are safer than letting them free roam (even harnessed to the seat belts) that I am rethinking that...
  4. hersheys mom

    Help please - have to transport my babies 2200 miles in car

    Personally, I would feel better having my cats in a large cage.  Even though you have a net, I wouldn't want the cats to be able to roam the car.  I've heard of people using big dogs cages for this.  You can lay down absorbent puppy pads to make possible accidents easier to clean up.  You don't...
  5. hersheys mom

    Help please - have to transport my babies 2200 miles in car

    Thank you for your response. I do have a big problem with Hershey Rose. I had to board both of them for 6 days at my vets when I picked out my house in WA. I had them in separate enclosures, but right next to each other. They cannot be put in the same carrier/enclosure. HR is terrified of every...
  6. hersheys mom

    Help please - have to transport my babies 2200 miles in car

    I am moving to Washington from San Diego. I will be driving there. I have already obtained a cargo net to velcro between the front and back of the car so the cats (2) cannot interfere with my driving. I plan on having a litter box on the floor for them, and kibble and water on the other side of...
  7. hersheys mom

    Kitten used to go in the litter box, but now does it around the house and won't go in the litter box

    I have read the posts you received from other members and I think you got some great advice. My first guess would be the unclean box discouraged him, my second would have been a change in his litter. My cats are pretty tolerant of whatever litter I use as long as they can sink to their knees in...
  8. cat box.jpg

    cat box.jpg

  9. hersheys mom

    Just lost my cat while walking him for the first time outside on a leash :(

    The first question I have is this: Is he micro-chipped? If so, did you update the company with your new address and phone number? If he is chipped, and you have not updated the info, call them and update over the phone and ask if there have been any inquires on him. If you adopted him from a...
  10. hersheys mom

    One of my cats has suddenly started to poop in the other's litter box

    When I catified the room, I gave them a 72" cat tree. It has 2 beds on the very top. Minja sleeps in the lower bed. Hershey Rose stays off the tree. At first I didn't know why, then I started watching. Minja would chase her away every time she tried to get on the tree. To get to the carpeted top...
  11. hersheys mom

    One of my cats has suddenly started to poop in the other's litter box

    Unfortunately not. That was why I redid the rooms. Did not like HR's box where I worked. Minja has been using her box for both for 3 years. Two boxes have been in same room for 6 months, and she just started to poop in HRs box. Strikes me as more of an "I own this room" or jealousy thing which I...
  12. hersheys mom

    One of my cats has suddenly started to poop in the other's litter box

    Background: Minja - Adopted 3 yrs ago. Current Age: 5. Had behavioral issues. Food monger. Retrained her, she now knows she gets 3 squares at same time every day, no more problems EXCEPT when she finishes her food she immediately runs to the other room to eat Hershey Rose's food. Background -...
  13. hersheys mom

    Has anyone made a DIY cat tree?

    Try this: I've seen similar ones sell for over $200. I think this one costs about $60 to make. Then there is the multi-level shelf type trees.Using the Ikea floor to ceiling pole and platform holders, one sheet of MDF should cover all the stairs and...
  14. hersheys mom

    Cat peeing on edge of litter box

    OK so my cat will be 7 this year.. he has always been great about using the box..over the past few months there have been periods when he uses the litter box and tends to pee on the edge and floor around the box.. when he goes # 2 he always gets it in *THANK GOD*  just not sure what the reason...
  15. hersheys mom

    Ex-feral vs domesticated housecat - will they ever get along?

    Love Jackson Galaxy. He has a lot of great advice. However, I have tried his essences (several different ones) and his major competitors essences, and they didn't help a bit. I bought them JG toys and they don't touch them. They don't like his catnip either. Strange little furballs. I have tried...
  16. hersheys mom

    Ex-feral vs domesticated housecat - will they ever get along?

    Hi. I have been away from this list for awhile, but I could use some advice from the experts again. Here is my situation: After the death of my beloved Hershey, I could not bear the loneliness and the heartache. I called several breeders, the Humane Society, the ASPCA, and tons of shelters...
  17. hersheys mom

    is raw chicken meat only boycotted by my cat or is this common?

    Hi.. Been a while since I've been on this site, my kitties have been keeping me pretty busy. Your cat is not alone. My cat won't eat anything but raw chicken, and only when it is ground up (Dr. Pierson's recipe). She will not eat a piece of cut-up chicken, and won't snack on chicken wings. She...