Search Results

  1. troll master

    odd habits

    Is it normal for a cat(s) to lick plastic frequently? I have been trying to get my cats to stop this odd behavior but I do not know how... any suggestions?
  2. troll master

    Do cats lose teeth?

    I have a cat that is turning 12 this year and he unfortunately lost his lower right tooth because he is diabetic and my family and I can't afford to get him his insulin on a regular bases so I just do my best to make his life as comfortable as possible. He is the biggest sweetheart to every come...
  3. troll master

    Mimosa's fur

    It's a long haired cat what did you expect ... besides you have an extremely beautiful feline. My favorite pictures are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and the last one So I suggest you use one of those pictures or cuddle with her until she is completely relaxed then take a picture. Good luck with the...