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  1. J

    Rest In Peace kitty :(

    So I didnt think to post here when I wrote about the cat I found mangled and attacked by two dogs tonight. Basically a large gray tabby (I do not know if it was a male or female) was attacked by two large dogs who had it in their mouths and were shaking it. I stayed with this cat until it died...
  2. J

    God HELP me :(

    Tonight my mom came home and told me she saw a dog with something in its mouth and thought it was a cat. She was worried it was one of ours. So i went with her, another car was there with its brights on. They pulled up to us and said they stumbled upon the two dogs and thought the cat was...
  3. J

    She hates being held...

    So we have had Kamie since like July so she is like 5-6 months old now. I have noticed she has become very aggitated when you pick her up. At first I thought maybe she was hurt, but the vet says she is fine. Now my brother who happens to be 21....immature j**k....likes to rough handle her, and...
  4. J

    School advice!!

    I need some advice. Ok so I am a double major, Print journalism and Animal science. I just found out during our winter break they will offer one of the MCJ (Mass Comm. and Journalism) classes I was going to take next spring butit fit funny in my sched. The class will be from Jan. 5 to Jan. 20...
  5. J

    Some vibes for my grandpa :(

    As I said in another post my grandpa was taken to the hospital last night (well this early morning i guess). I just got off the phone with my grandma about what happened. I guess he went into a diabetic coma/seizure because of his blood sugar levels, they think it did some damage but not too...
  6. J

    Cross your fingers, I might get a new job!!

    So I applied for a job at an animal inn, where I know someone who works there. The only issue with me not getting hired is because my school schedule is limited. But I really want this job, because I need to get out of my current job!! This job would be so much fun to work with dogs and cats! I...
  7. J

    This quote is sooo true!!

    Haha someone sent me this quote and I think it makes total sense! Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. - Robert A. Heinlein
  8. J


    Soo last tuesday for my night class I had a test. The first test I got a D on becuase I didnt know what to study. This time around I read all three chapters 2x each, underlining important things and making notes and flash cards. I spent HOURS studying for this ONE test. I took it, felt awesome...
  9. J

    I have a hole in my door....

    So tonight I had a class where we had a test. The teacher decided to have us watch a movie before the test adn after the movie we took a break. I called my mom to complain about having to wait an hour to take the test and she tells me of what is happening at home. My dad dumped the rest of my...
  10. J

    Canker sore...

    I cut the inside of my lip last week and it turned into a canker sore. It has been a week and it has gotten bigger and isnt going away. It hurts like h**l anytime I move my mouth or it gets touched by anything. I have been washing it with warm salt water and putting med stuff on it and staying...
  11. J

    Vibes for my grandpa

    So my grandpa has about at least 8-9 blockages in his arteries, for how long? We do not know. His old heart Dr. never checked for it and he just switched to my parents heart dr. and found out. He is 89 years old and is diabetic and cant walk too well. Today he spent all day doing a test and a...
  12. J

    Meet my new kitty!!!

    Yesterday I was at the barn and I saw this kitty that I had never seen before. So I went up to it and it practically jumped into my arms!!! The kitty was sooooo friendly, licking me all over, rubbing up against my head, purring and get this....let me hold it while I walked around!!! He loves to...
  13. J

    Work Rant....

    I work at an AMF Bowling center, where I mainly do b-day parties, work in the snack bar and do office work. Well tonight I worked in the snack bar and had an xtreme b-day party (which basically is during our rock n bowl thing, where all the lights are out from 10pm-1am). Well the party mom shows...
  14. J

    Manny's eye...

    Manny's left eye seems to not want to open very much, he will open his other eye but not his left. There is no swelling that I can see, just some sleepy dirt I cleaned out. Im thinking he and the little kitten were playing to rough. I was going to wait and see how it is when I get back from...
  15. J

    Vibes for my Bug

    My June Bug isnt doing so well. She has lost weight and now has lost her meow. She drinks and eats, and well she peed in the pantry room. But her hips are sunken in and she just looks ill. She is an indoor/outdoor cat, I have tried to keep her in but she either sneaks past or has to go out...
  16. J

    Harry Potter fans?

    Anyone going to the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince premiere tomorrow night? I totally thought it was on thursday and got scheduled to work tomorrow night, but luckily someone is covering my shift. Im excited, my friend made us shirts I get to have Seamous Finnigan on my shirt.
  17. J

    Meet our new rescue! Kamie!!

    So long story short, we got a new kitten today! She is another rescue from my dads work, we now have 4 that he has rescued. He works at a waste water treatment plant and kittens/cats get dumped there all the time and tehre are wild dogs running loose out there. Anywho my Kamie was wandering...
  18. J

    New, stray kitten help.

    Today we sorta got a new kitten. my dad called us this morning to a meow. So we went and picked her up from his work. He works at a waste water treatment plant and the kitten was seen roaming around a few days ago adn today she was found in a sludge heater room, so my dad caught her and well...
  19. J

    I need to be wrapped in bubble wrap!!

    Seriously I do!!! 2x this week I got dumped while jumping Scotch!! Scotch isnt my horse I just ride and jump him, but man is he sure killing me!! Wednesday he threw me over the otherside of the jump and tore up my knuckles. Then today, going up to the LAST fence, he decided he was done and...
  20. J

    A little rant...

    I just need to get a few things off my chest. I have been thinking a lot lately about what I really want to do with my life. I am going in my 3rd year of college and am majoring in Print Journalism with a minor in animal science. But I am now finding that I love ancient culture like ancient...