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  1. K

    Cat with kidney disease not eating

    Infrequent poster here but I need help. I should warn that I’m a complete wreck from trying to handle this and this post may not be the most complete or well articulated. I’ll answer any questions I can to help fill in any blanks I may leave below I just lost one of my cats this past Christmas...
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    Cbd Oil For Cat?

    I'm considering trying CBD oil for one of my cats in hopes it might alleviate some persistent behavioral issues which are getting severely out of hand. However I see that there seems to be dozens of different brands of this for pets and naturally they all have conflicting customer reviews, some...
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    What do do about violent "tantrums"?

    So I've been on this site for a while but am an infrequent poster...most of the posts I *have*made though have been about Boris... Boris is a neutered male, about 14 pounds and he is now nearly 8 years old.  He has been on Amitriptyline for several years after it was prescribed to him by the...
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    Beechnut baby food safe?

    I just wanted to check if Beechnut baby food is okay to give to my cats when they are reluctant to eat for whatever reason or need something easily digestible.  I checked the ingredients on the "chicken and chicken broth" flavor and only those items were listed, no onion powder or anything like...
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    Preventing tantrums after trips outdoors?

    A few years back I used to take my cats outside on leashed walks. Both enjoyed this very much but I ended up stopping the practice because my male cat throws a fit once he comes back in the house, howling and trying to get back out by tearing at the windows and door for hours afterwards. Once he...
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    Cats and antifreeze

    Here's a question I've had for awhile. I've heard that antifreeze is attractive to cats because of it's sweet taste, thus leading them to drink it and get poisoned. However I have also read that cats in general are unable to taste sweetness because they lost the ability through a genetic...
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    Help me before I strangle him!!

    I'm just kidding about the title....I hope. My neutered male cat is very vocal and capable of being VERY loud. he will frequently sit in one specific window and yowl loudly and repeatedly over and over, also pawing at the window glass, sometimes going as far as rearing up on his hind legs to do...
  8. K

    Blood on stool. sound like colitis?

    my male cat had blood on his stool this morning, not much, but noticible since the stool was fresh (if i can i clean his stool out of the box immedietly otherwise he tramples it during his somewhat incompetant and repeated attempts to bury it and will sometimes track it everywhere). the blood...
  9. K

    Why does this one thing trigger such agression?

    My male cat has developed a habit of often becoming VERY aggressive when i use the computer. at any given moment he will jump on to the desk and physically block my view of the monitor and will often lay down in front of it glaring at me. The noise or the action of typing seems to provoke him...
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    Milk jug rings: what's the appeal??

    What is it about the plastic rings off of milk jugs that cats find so intriguing? Mine love them ( my male cat often becomes aggressive and begins growling when he gets ahold of one), and i hear that they are a fairly common favorite toy among other cats too. There are many other somewhat...
  11. K

    Why does she run to the litter box when I come home??

    When i get home from work in the early morning i've noticed that Olga greets me at the front door along with her brother and then immedietly rushes to the litterbox and pees. it is basically become a routine at this point. why does she seem to do this almost every morning as soon as i come home...
  12. K

    How much chocolate is dangerous??

    While I was rearranging my cabinets one of my cats was able to get ahold of one of those plastic trays that Oreo cookies are packaged in. He started licking up the crumbs in the tray and i'm sure must have ingested some before i was able to get the tray. What constitutes a dangerous amount of...
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    AAAGGGHH Stop it! (Excessive litter box digging)

    Boris has had a tendency to invest a great deal of time and effort digging around in the box after he uses it. He seems to be almost obsessive compulsive about covering everything up, trouble is, he is lousy at it. He will walk around in the box and dig at the sides (and if he uses the covered...
  14. K

    Odd question: How to store canned pumpkin..

    I've been giving my female cat canned pumpkin to help with some mild constipation and possible hairball trouble (turns out she and her brother both LOVE this stuff) my question is when you buy a can of this stuff, after opening it, how long can you keep using it before it spoils and you need to...
  15. K

    Cat seems a bit constipated maybe??

    My six month old female cat is showing some signs of being constipated i think. Mostly that she doesn't seem to be uh...."producing" much at all when she goes when compared to her brother, and it seems much drier also. She DOES go once or twice daily (i clean the boxes out twice a day and can...
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    a few times now I've noticed my female kitten will crouch with her neck extended and begin these wheezing hacking sounds. she has yet to cough anything up that i've seen (although one of my cats threw up on the floor the other night, i don't know for sure which one it was.) does that sound...
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    toy turns kitten vicious

    Boris is about six months old and a very placid, friendly cat...except when he gets ahold of this one certain toy - this simple little furry thing with a bell on it. he actually turns vicious when he get's it, he starts slinking low to the floor while carrying it around the house and...
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    Back from the spaying.

    Olga got spayed today and she's been home for several hours. she's clearly not feeling well and i kinda can't believe that i did this to her. i'd have gotten her brother fixed first but i know that he could still breed for up a month afterwords and i was kind of racing against time to prevent a...
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    Just about fixin' time i think.

    My vet apparently likes to wait until cats are six months old to spay neuter them, and my two sibling kittens are six months as of March 4th i believe so they are due for the procedure. Not a moment too soon i'm afraid because the male is starting to behave in a pretty "adult" manner toward his...
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    Avoiding post-fixing injuries...

    my two kittens will be going to get fixed sometime in March i think. i'll probably have them both done on the same day if i can. i have one male and one female, they are siblings and like to roughhouse a lot. so i'm concerned about the stitches in my female kitten. her brother is the instigator...