Search Results

  1. caro

    cat waking us up at night to go out!

    I hope someone can advice me.. I adopted an older tomcat from the shelter last year and thought he would stay indoors mostly, but quite the opposite! I let him out during the day when I'm home as I have no cat flap and the door opens out onto the street. Besides it's a solid oak door and I...
  2. caro

    I adopted a tomcat 10 days ago but house is still chaotic!

    Any advice very welcome! My tomcat Stan is now with us about 10 days and mixing with the 2 girls while we are at work then supervised in the evenings and put in his bedroom at night (because we need our sleep!). It's actually going OK. He is not aggressive but Henrietta is! She hisses and...
  3. caro

    Introductions - can anyone offer some more advice?

    I introduced a 9 year old neutered tomcat to my 2, 6 year old spayed females, 6 days ago and followed the procedure recommended, isolation/scent & territory switching etc. When the girls started to get curious I let them meet Stan the new boy. It went OK, first nose to nose, then they backed off...
  4. caro

    howling cat!

    Hi I have a 17 year old female cat who is blind since 2/3 years. For about a year now she howls and miauws loudly if she thinks she is alone in the house or if she wakes up in the night and there is no one around. This is VERY disturbing and EXTREMEMLY noisy! It is caterwauling but she is...