Search Results

  1. K

    Best way to introduce kittens to adult cats

    I have 4 10 week old kittens and I also have 3 adult cats.  I need to know what is the best way to introduce all of them.  It is starting to get tough having to keep them seperated.  Do I start with one adult and all 4 kittens or do I have all 3 adults and bring out 1 kitten at a time.  What...
  2. K

    5 weeks today and fleas

    My new babies have fleas. What do I do? Can I give them a bath? Here is a link to the thread I started in Cats and Kitten care. I nave never dealt with any this young. Any care advice is greatly needed.
  3. K

    Help, 4 Week old kittens

    Hi its been a long time since I last posted. A lot has happened. We added a third cat, lost a feral/stray to a car, and had kittens. Right now I need help with the kittens, the rest are for another thread. We care and feed three ferals 2 males and one female. The femal got pregnant and had...
  4. K

    Pepsi Natural

    I was reading the thread about Pepsi Throwback and how it has real sugar. Yesterday I was at the store and fouund this, I bought one bottle to try. It was amazing. It tasted so clean...
  5. K

    help moving and intro issue (bit long)

    Okay we have had Roxy since October and Monkey for 3 years. We have been slowly letting the 2 get to know eachother but have yet to actually let them just be with eachother. We do let them be together on the bed or couch for a few minutes untill one of them starts to atack the other...
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    Recipie ideas needed

    So at work I was put in charge of the recipie board for the demo stand. I need to come up with simple things that can be made quickly and easily. There are a few requirements.... 1) No more than 5 ingredients, condiments and spices do not count. 2) Should be easy to describe how to make, 4-5...
  7. K

    I need to vent and possably advice(sorry long)

    So we have lived in our new place for almost a year now. We only share one wall with one neighbor. She is the problem. Tonight is DH's birthday. We have music on, no louder than a tv would normally be but it is music so it may sound different. We are partying a bit, hey its his birthday, we...
  8. K

    First Murder than a mystery

    I found this interesting. Brief summary... On Jan 6 1959 a doctor blugened his wife to death, tried to kill his daughter and then killed himself. Now th mystery part, authorities discovered th scene did their job and locked the house up. A year later it was sold in probate court, the new...
  9. K

    It Took 3 Years .......

    I finaly was able to clip Monkeys nails She would always put up a fight and I could never get her to sit still. I tried the burrito method, yea that did not go well. So I just gave up. I would try every once and a while to get them done but she would have nothing to do with it. She did a...
  10. K

    Happy Festivus!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Now its time for an airence of greivences and feats of strength
  11. K

    How to cook the turkey giblets for cats?

    So this year I want ot cook the giblets and neck for the kitties but I have no idea how to do it. Does anyone have suggestions on how to do it and make them taste good for the furbabies?
  12. K

    Pain Med question

    So Roxy's spay went wonderfully but I have a question about the meds she was sent home with. The vet gave her Butorphanol and Pet-Tinic. They gave us a needleless suringe(sp) to administer it orally with the dosage being .7ml 2-3 times a day, starting tomorrow. What I want to know is how do...
  13. K

    Roxy's getting spayed, vibes please

    We just dropped the new little one off at the vet for her spay. She really did not want to go, it was a trick getting her in the carrier but we did it. When we got there she did not want to come out of the carrier either. The vet is great, this is the first time we met him. He seemed really...
  14. K

    L.A. County assistant fire chief held in fatal beating of neighbor's dog,7749436.story My neighbor just told me about this. I am appald that this would happen. She asked that we call to let them know about how apaling it is and that he needs to be prosecuted. She did worn us to say yhat they were a bit rude to her, I am...
  15. K

    Heres Roxy!

    We have been triing to get good pictures of her but she just won't sit still. Here is the best shot of our new little girl Isn't she a doll
  16. K

    Introductions start tonight, any advice....

    So we just got back from the clinic and Roxy was given a clean bill of health. All her test came back negative. She and Monkey were both given Advantage a few days ago and both were treated for tapeworm. Roxy definately had worms and we did Monkey just as a precaution. The vet agreed is was...
  17. K

    First round of shots, what to expect

    We got a new kitten Roxy. We rescued her from the parking lot in front of my work. We think she is about 6 months maybe a bit younger. She has settled in nicely. Loves to play and cuddle. She is eating like a horse and drinks on her own finally. She is a pretty little calico. Pictures...
  18. K

    bathing a stray kitten

    So a few days ago DH and I rescued a sray/feral kitten. You can read about her here What I need to know is we are getting ready to bath her finally. She is dirty and we just found a flea on her. I don't think she is infested because she...
  19. K

    advice on a stray/feral, with a resident cat

    So my DH and I have been caring for a little kitty that lived next to my work. I know she was born outside behind the store, we, employies included have been caring for the whole litter. The reason I am listing her as a stray/feral is because all the others act feral but this one girl has...
  20. K

    Please pray for a friend

    I need some vibes right now.... On Thursday night one of my good friends and coworkers was on his way home from work. He rides his bike to and from work everyday. He ran a red light, like he always did, even after all of us told him he needed to be carefull. Well he was hit by a car. The...