Search Results

  1. maito

    Fasting Before Dental Cleaning

    Is fasting a normal recommendation before a dental cleaning? If so how long? with or without liquids? My vet said, 12 hours and no liquids. I don't see why.
  2. maito

    Purranoid - Paranoid about Purrs

    We usually associate purrs with happy cats, but they also purr to soothe themselves, reduce pain and heal. Actually, there are a lot of studies describing how and why the healing powers of purrs work, plus a lot of recorded anecdotes of cats purring on sick people healing them, but none relating...
  3. maito

    Nebelung here

    Hi I've been living with my cat Coco for eight wonderful years without much knowledge of cat care, I want to rectify that and be prepared for his seniors years so I'm here to learn from your experience.
  4. maito

    talking to cats in their language

    Hi everyone, I red that cats trill when they want to be followed so I though it could be useful to recognize the sound. Is this trillling? I also started imitating it, and when I do it accurately he does follow me, he even answers me sometimes. I'm not crazy, I mean he emits sounds that are...