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    Trim cats nails or not?

    Thanks for those answers! They were helpful! I do check their nails but they always seem the same length and I find them broken off sometimes on te scratching posts. Think I'm going to consider getting them used to trimming incase anything pops up in the future! :)
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    Negative side effects to spay/neuter?!

    Thanks for that answer!! I suspected it would be something along those lines, I'll definitely keep an eye on her over the next week. Since I posted this question, she hasn't once (that I've seen anyway) been aggressive or irritated at all! She seems back to her old self but with Marley it's the...
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    Trim cats nails or not?

    Hi, this will probably sound a little silly to experienced cat parents but do I need to trim my cats nails or do I just leave them? I'm quite new to cat parenting as I've always had dogs up until I took in my oldest cat cocoa in to my home a year ago so I'm still learning a lot! My cats...
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    New cat has fear of abandoment...what to do? Please help.

    yours are adorable too! I really hope all goes well! Fingers crossed! Good luck to you and your babies!
  5. Pregnant? Yay or Nay? What say you?

    Pregnant? Yay or Nay? What say you?

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    Pregnant? Yay or Nay? What say you?

    We couldn't decide if our Cocoa was pregnant or not a she was a stray- but you'll soon know when she's sitting like this 128514
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    New cat has fear of abandoment...what to do? Please help.

    Also like catlover said- marleys momma Cat Cocoa was a stray when we found her and she looked like she'd been through the wars- covered in abcesses, fleas and an ear&eye infection. It took her a while to trust us and from her loving nature we guessed she may have been dumped previously. (Not...
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    New cat has fear of abandoment...what to do? Please help.

    First of all Garrus looks just like my Marley! Poor Garrus, don't understand how people can abandon animals in this way! You did a good deed taking him in and also looking for ways to help him overcome his troublesome past! I've had Marley since he was born (from my cat) so it's not really...
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  12. Negative side effects to spay/neuter?!

    Negative side effects to spay/neuter?!

  13. B

    Negative side effects to spay/neuter?!

    I'm new to this forum so I'm gonna give you a little backstory! Ok so I have 3 cats, I have an adult cat called cocoa (2yrs approx.) who I took in as a stray after noticing how bad condition she was in. And unknowingly she was also pregnant so I ended up with 4 kittens too but I kept 2 of them-...
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