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  1. C

    Younger Cat Is Playing Too Rough

    Yes, Ralph wears a calming collar. I have the Feliway multi-Cat I’m just waiting for a new diffuser to come. I’ve used it before and haven’t seen much difference.
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    Younger Cat Is Playing Too Rough

    Oh yeah, we’ve tried that. That happens just about every night because I refuse to get out of bed unless things are getting out of hand. This has been ongoing for almost a year. We adopted Ralph last October. We thought it might be a heriarchy thing, but since it’s been going on for this...
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    Younger Cat Is Playing Too Rough

    I do have 2 litter boxes, I can add another. But I wouldn't say Ralph is "guarding" the boxes, per say. If he hears Fred digging he just runs into the room. I did keep the boxes in a separate rooms but it never made a difference. They're in the same room now because I have a Cat Genie. Since I...
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    Younger Cat Is Playing Too Rough

    I have two cats. Fred is 5 and I’ve had him for 4 years, Ralph is 1 and I’ve had him since he was 4 months old. Fred was a semi feral and I think has some PTSD from living outdoors. He’s incredibly skittish and shy, to the point where you can’t even walk in the same direction as him without him...
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    The Early Kitten Gets The Worm

    Husband gets up early for work. Ralph hears him get up and think the day is starting. Unfortunately, no basement but we do have a spare bedroom. Fred probably wouldn’t mind sleeping without Ralph, he’d probably be quite content to sleep in my room with me. Ralph sleeps anywhere. Sometimes in...
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    The Early Kitten Gets The Worm

    Hi, all. I hope you can give me some help. Quick backstory; I have 2 cats. Fred, a 5 year old orange tabby, and Ralph an 8 month old kitten. I adopted Ralph when he was 4 months old, Fred I’ve had for 4 years. Ralph is a very busy kitten, there’s not many moments where he isn’t moving. He does...
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    New Kitten And Resident Cat

    No fur has gone flying, I will give them that. I do intervene when Fred gives me that "help me Mom before I kick his butt" look. I do use the air in a can when he's doing something naughty, like clawing the furniture or getting on the kitchen table. Ralph is no longer keen on biting my hands and...
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    New Kitten And Resident Cat

    Hi, everyone. I hope this is breif, but bear with me if it isn't. I have an adult cat, Fred Mertz, who is about 5 years old. Fred had an adoptive sister for about 2 weeks before we realized she was the She-Devil and returned her to the rescue. Other than that he has been alone for almost the 4...
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    Introducing a new cat

    Hi, everyone. I have one male cat, Fred Mertz who is about 4 years old and has lived with us, with no other cats for a little over 2 years. Lately he's been acting a little lonely so I adopted a 10 month old female named Stella. Right now I have Stella in an extra large wire dog crate with...