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  1. M

    Not sure how things are going, or what to do next

    I wanted to come back and give an update. After that awful weekend from the beginning of this post, we took the kittens in to do a meet and greet/get established visit with the vet and for the old guys senior visit. The vet recommended we do prozac for him because he was so stressed out she...
  2. M

    Not sure how things are going, or what to do next

    Those are all good ideas and I'll definitely try them! Anything to make this work. This morning I got up, let the babies out just like I normally would and have been the last few weeks. Wally literally ran after them swatting. He wasn't hissing or growling, just moving a bit aggressively...
  3. M

    Not sure how things are going, or what to do next

    We are have definitely all been stressed and tired. I love my grandbabies so much and their parents needed a break so badly...but it's hard on all of us here for sure. Our old guy...his name is Wally, is definitely overstimulated. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day and i won't feel as...
  4. M

    Not sure how things are going, or what to do next

    My daughter threw the toy in the trash last night. :/ There were actually two of them. The other one is still around here somewhere so we could use it with him. It wouldn't smell the same as that one though, but after I had tried to clean the first one, it wouldn't have been the same anyway...
  5. M

    Not sure how things are going, or what to do next

    So the last couple days, things seem to have been going so much better. Hardly any hissing, old guy has been out more when the babies are, seems a little interested in them. Just over all a better atmosphere. BUT....then tonight, right as we were getting ready for bed, he decided he was going...
  6. M

    Not sure how things are going, or what to do next

    He is a pretty tense old fella. He does like catnip some. He has a kicker toy but doesn't seem to know what to do with it. He sits on it...bats it around a little. I really don't think he ever saw a toy before he came here. He has just one or two that he plays with but it's not his favorite...
  7. M

    Not sure how things are going, or what to do next

    We definitely have a routine. Maybe that has helped. We have since before we got him and the kittens are on the same one. They all get fed at the same time because we have alarms set to give our dog her meds for cushings disease. We do not get off that schedule because it's life saving for...
  8. M

    Not sure how things are going, or what to do next

    I'm not going to give up on them that easy. I've never given up an animal...and we've had MANY over the last 34 years since we've been married. They are lifetime loves. Giving one of them up won't even be on the table this early. It's been a few weeks and for the most part it has gone...
  9. M

    Not sure how things are going, or what to do next

    I want to add that both kittens have been fixed. And I have just watched some videos about cat introductions. We tried it a few days ago and resident cat WILL NOT eat away from his spot. He is very, very stuck to his routine.
  10. M

    Not sure how things are going, or what to do next

    Sorry this will be sort of long probably. We've had cats my whole life. When I was a kid, we lived in the country on a farm. We had barn cats, house cats...they all just coexisted, I don't remember having to do introductions or any big issues. As an adult, My husband and I got a cat when our...