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  1. thedjlil

    ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

    Sorry, I am definitely new to this and apparently it looks like I started a new thread? But the subject line refers to the old original thread.
  2. thedjlil

    ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

    Feral Hearts, I am SO SO very SORRY! I cannot IMAGINE what you have gone through. I am, and have been since I read your update, honestly speechless. It was never going to be a pleasant experience. I hope you warn anyone thinking of having that vet near their furbabies. Unfortunately no, not...
  3. thedjlil

    ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

    Happy fall, can you tell me how to post an update to the thread?
  4. thedjlil

    ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

    Hi again- I will add an update on Sox at the end of the thread, but how is your baby? 🙏
  5. thedjlil

    ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

    Thanks, that's from just yesterday. I've included some shots of his 1sy few days post-op. We saw such a massive improvement in him during week 2-4 post-op that I know amputation was the right choice. (He's not doing so well now, but I'd rather him have a short happy life with us, than a long...
  6. thedjlil

    ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

    Have they mentioned anything about his lungs? Did they mention an abnormality in his sternum? It may be positional. He could have twisted when they took the xray. My apologies - Dr. H said the X-ray showed that his lungs were clear, and therefore, there was a good chance the cancer had not...
  7. thedjlil

    ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

    Oh! I forgot to ask! What is Y/D food? (Here is a photo of baby boy rn, who actually CHOSE to lay on the bed WITH MAMA for once! He's not Mr. Cuddles, as much as Mama wants him to be, especially now, that's just not his style. He must've just tired himself out reading his magazine. He does...
  8. thedjlil

    ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

    That is a very interesting idea! 💡 I'm thinking maybe a combo of your and Feebys Owner's idea: ask for shredded newspaper donations and dump daily...though with Sox it would prob need to be twice daily. Cat mess never smells good, but his will quickly run you out of a room, and lingers much...
  9. thedjlil

    ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

    Yes lol, he is def the same cat. Some photos were selfies so they are indeed flipped. (As far as the ear tipping, he got accidentally trapped by the local TNR group about 1.5 yrs ago thinking he was unaltered. He was already sedated etc when they realized I guess bc they went ahead and tipped...
  10. thedjlil

    ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

    I am so so sorry. What is your baby's current status if you don't mind me asking? And thank you for the advice regarding the clay clumping litter; I def worry about going down a rabbit hole trying to find something better just to end up spending more and still having the same mess.
  11. thedjlil

    ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

    Thank you for the wonderful suggestions! I will definitely be researching each one tomorrow!
  12. thedjlil

    ADVICE? Terminal Cancer Cat w/ Hyperthyroidism and Recent Amputation

    Idk how to even start. 2 yrs ago Sox was just a luvable gray chunk that we met on our walks and I'm pretty sure thinks he's a dog. I ADORE him. That's important to know. To keep it short, I'll skip to 1 yr ago. He was just the super spoiled neighborhood tom cat. Many houses pet him inside at...