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  1. K

    advice on toys for a kitten that doesn't react during a play

    hi all, I would appreciate any advice on toys I should get to make my kitten more active while playing hunting. ( playing tricks also welcome) background: She's almost 6 months now and has been living with me for about 3 months. She's a single pet (but please don't tell me to get a second...
  2. K

    can a single kitten be happy? and is a cat's teenage phase worse(more demanding) than kittenhood?

    Hi all, I adopted a 3-month-old kitten about a month ago(now she's a four-month) and am constantly worrying about her developing a single kitten syndrome. I've been wanting to adopt a cat for a long time and even moved out of my perfectly decent apartment to a new place because the place had no...
  3. K

    advantage ii for kittens. is it normal for her fur to look wet? and when would symptoms appear if she had licked some by accident?

    Hello, I applied advantage II for kitten today to my 4-month-old kitten for flea prevention.(it was my first time doing it). I tried to apply it on her skin but her hair wouldn't part nicely and I might have gotten some on her fur. After applying, a big patch on the back of her neck began to...