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  1. L

    Cat having trouble drinking after full Dental extraction

    Thank you so much for the shallow plate tip!! She's taking larger sips already!
  2. L

    Cat having trouble drinking after full Dental extraction

    She had all her teeth pulled yesterday (13 altogether, as she's had previous dentals/lost some teeth on her own) as well as had three skin bumps removed surgically. She's still recovering a bit from the anesthetsia but is a lot less wobbly than yesterday, nearly back to her usual motor ability...
  3. L

    Anyone have any tips for aftercare after a dental surgery?

    My baby's got a mouth infection and the vet is putting her under to take out all of her teeth tomorrow (my poor gummy kitty :(...) Does anyone have any tips / advice on how to make her comfortable when she's home? I wanna make everything nice for her, especially if I have to leave the house...
  4. L

    Cat's had an itchy side bump for years, vets aren't a help. What is it??

    My cat is 11, is quite small for her age, and is being medicated for a hyperthyroid condition if that's anything relevant to what's going on! She developed this external small, hard, white lump on her side a few years ago. At first we thought it was a piece of claw that got stuck in her, so...