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  1. Tracyfffffffff

    new kitten-changed behaviour

    But now *
  2. Tracyfffffffff

    new kitten-changed behaviour

    Thank you! It’s actually Luna who shows fear during the face to face time lol. Solis seems very cautious afterwards. So I guess ther see Thank you. I guess I’m just stumped because during the face to face interactions, Luna was the one who seemed scared, while Solis was playful. But not after...
  3. Tracyfffffffff

    new kitten-changed behaviour

    Has anyone experienced changed behaviour from a new kitten they brought home? The new kitten name is Solis, 2 months, male, used to be very playful and confident. Resident cat, name, Luna, female, 6 months, slow to warm up. When I first brought Solis home, i Put him in a small room & he was...
  4. Tracyfffffffff

    Which breed?

    Which breed