Search Results

  1. romanianyuuko

    Simbadol (buprenorphine) Injection Bad Reaction

    We have raccoons & other cats he’s gotten in big yowling fights with in our neighborhood, but I’ve never seen another cat cause such a big injury. He’s up to date on all of his vaccines so I think we’re fine on that front. Also I woke up this morning & he was finally sleeping! He’s been napping...
  2. romanianyuuko

    Simbadol (buprenorphine) Injection Bad Reaction

    My kitty Ajax (11 y/o m) was bitten by some animal outside. There were two punctures/cuts on the back of one of his front legs, but no other injuries. Poor baby came home limping & in pain. Took him to the vet & she gave him a “long-lasting pain med” & gave me gabapentin for his pain & major...