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  1. F

    Cat has a bite wound on his tail that won’t heal

    3 months ago my poor 13 year old kitty got attacked by our younger cat. He got him on his tail and there was blood everywhere — we took him to the vet immediately and they prescribed antibiotics and drained the pus out of the wound. He was on a cone but not for long and he started licking again...
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    Worm or string coming out of cat’s anus?

    There’s some kind of string or worm coming out of my cat’s anus? I’m away from home and this was sent to me by a family member. They said he wouldn’t let them touch it, but now it’s gone, and there’s some bleeding near his anus. He had a wound there from a few weeks ago that he kept licking from...
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    Cat digs litter excessively right before pooping

    Hi! My 1.5 year old kitty is about 3 weeks post PU surgery and so he's been confined in a large padded crate until he heals completely. He is litter trained as he used to live in an apartment, but ever since I brought him home 2 months ago, he's been loving the garden and going to do his...
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    My kitty is about to have PU surgery and I need advice

    Hi everyone, After constant blockages and my poor boy never being able to pee normally since then, I’ve decided to have the PU surgery done on him. I’m worried to death and am so afraid of the complications and would really appreciate any help. He likes to be outdoors so I’m setting up a...
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    My cat keeps going out and picking fights with other cats

    Hey guys, I have a 2 year old cat with a bad case of stress-related cystitis whom I brought home to live with me in a house with a garden. It's a long story, but essentially, he seems to need some combination of the freedom to roam, and being in nature, in order to feel relaxed enough so that...
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    New cat fighting with old cat

    Hi guys, I made an earlier post about this but I’ve since managed to video my two cats and was hoping for some insight and tips. I’m so afraid of them getting hurt and really need them to get along, so any help is appreciated! Some context: Boris is my neighbour’s 13-year old British shorthair...
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    Cat doesn’t eat much

    Are two 3oz cans of wet food enough for my 9lbs cat to eat? He used to eat half a can in the morning, half a can at night with some dry food to graze on throughout the day, but he has recently developed cystitis and urethral spasms so we’ve switched him over to wet exclusively. Through the...
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    New cat invading old cat’s space

    Hi everyone, The members on this site have been very helpful with Hurri, my poor cystitis cat who has been through an ordeal with multiple blockages, bladder inflammation and urethral spasms, whom I have moved over to where I live with my parents in a pretty open house with a big garden in...
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    Urgent blocked male cat dilemma, please help

    We took in a 1.5 year old un-neutered male stray cat 4 months ago and he started getting blocked a month ago. We rushed him to the vet where he was catheterised and hospitalised and after all the blood work and scans, there was no clear cause, no stones, no crystals, nothing. Ever since then he...
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    Male cat’s balls have turned black, please help!

    My 1.5 year old male cat (estimated, he’s a stray we rescued) had a bad case of urethral blockage two weeks ago and, after hospitalisation, has been able to pee at home but still in small amounts + numerous litter trips and with some struggle. The vet suspects he might have a UTI from the...