Search Results

  1. C

    Can you overfeed an 8 month kitten?

    My kitten is a large breed (Maine Coon) and seems to be hungry despite eating ~550 calories a day. She cleans every meal I give her and seems like she could eat more. She's a perfect body condition score right now according to the chart. I can just feel her ribs, and she has a noticeable waist...
  2. C

    Bad breeder or bad luck?

    My family bought a kitten from a breeder a year ago who had a noticeable heart murmur with his first vet checkup at around 3 months. He was diagnosed with severe HCM and a life prognosis of a year. The breeder offered a replacement kitten, which we took (a different breed though—they have two...
  3. C

    Overdoing play for kitten?

    I have a 5 month old Maine Coon kitten who is moderate energy and plays a couple times a day, not “off the walls” 24/7 like other kittens I hear about. I recently bought a Da Fish (lure attachment from the same company as Da Bird), and she goes WILD over it. She ran after it so hard that she...
  4. C

    Is a second cat actually a good idea?

    I've been reading conflicting things about having two (or more cats)--some sources say a single cat gets lonely and a cat buddy helps provide companionship, but other sources say that cats are territorial and don't need or want another cat in its home fighting for food/space/attention. For...