Search Results

  1. JeffSki

    My Cat Has Been “Gagging or Hacking” for past 4 days

    My 10 yr old male started doing this gagging, seems to happen every few hrs during the day and a few time thru the night. Usually nothing comes up, sometimes just a clear liquid. All else is normal with him, eating, drinking and potty. Any suggestions? Here’s a link to view a video of him in...
  2. JeffSki

    Revolution Plus Topical Solution, Half Price

    I have a new unopened box I’ll sell for half price to someone who needs it. Exp date is 6/22.
  3. JeffSki

    Red Spot By Cat’s Ear

    My 4 yr old male indoor rescue cat now has a red spot below his ear. Is this something I should be concerned about? Worth a vet visit? He has no other symptoms, and still plays hard with my other cats.